
Marine Sciences History: Growing Towards Gender Equality

It has been over 50 years since the University of Connecticut established Avery Point as a regional campus and nearly 40 years since the formalization of the Department of Marine Sciences (DMS). At that time, national feminist and civil rights movements were in full swing as well. In the decades that followed, especially the past 20 years, a primary focus of these movements has been increasing and retaining diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), which includes oceanography. Since the early 2000s, DMS has successfully narrowed the gender-gap among faculty members.

Barbara Welsh was the first female faculty member in DMS. She was hired in the 1980s and helped establish hypoxia monitoring and nitrogen management programs in Long Island Sound. Her research revealed phytoplankton blooms and the resulting alarmingly low oxygen concentrations in Western Long Island Sound in the summer.

The next female professor to join was Annelie Skoog, who studies marine organic matter cycling. Another early female leader was Associate Professor in Residence Patricia Kremer, who studied gelatinous plankton. After Barbara retired, Annelie remained the only tenured female faculty member. All other women faculty were research scientists and not professors. The most common title being Research Professor, with levels assistant, associate and full.

A few members of the department recalled a faculty meeting in 2002, in which half the members present were women. However, as the only female tenure-track professor present, Annelie was the only woman allowed a vote.

As a part of larger UConn initiatives to promote diversity and opportunities for underrepresented groups, DMS sought to grow as a department and recruit talented new faculty for hire. In 2005, Ann Bucklin became the first female department head and lead many efforts to formalize department proceedings.

Since then, Heidi Dierssen, Penny Vlahos, Julie Granger, Kelly Lombardo (who moved to Penn State University in 2019), Melanie Fewings (who moved to Oregon State University in 2018), Samantha Siedlecki, and Catherine Matassa have joined the tenure-track faculty ranks.

Additionally, Sandy Shumway, Jamie Vaudrey, and Jennifer O’Donnell have been members of the research faculty and key contributors to the Department. Claudia Koerting has been an integral part of developing the undergraduate program and maintaining instrumentation. A partnership with Mystic Aquarium added four women – all active and successful marine researchers – as affiliate faculty-in-residence: Tracy Romano, Maureen Driscoll, Laura Thompson, and Ebru Unal.

After conversations with many of these stellar scientists, it became clear that the culture in science overall has shifted greatly. Both Claudia and Penny commented that neither of them had any female professors throughout their entire academic careers. Whereas current graduate and undergraduate students can attest that female professors in the sciences are now entirely usual. However, disparities among different scientific disciplines remain. Today, the percent of people in physics and engineering identifying as female at the doctorate level is approximately 20% (Women in Physics and Astronomy 2019 Report, American Institute of Physics).

The culture that has been cultivated and continues to grow in DMS strives for diversity, inclusion, and equity on all academic levels including students, staff, and faculty.

On a final note, here are some statistics based on current departmental records. As of April 2020, all four research staff, six of eight postdoctoral research associates, 7 of 18 tenured or tenure track faculty, and four of five research faculty are women.

Ocean Bacteria Make Nutrients Out of Air

Image courtesy of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), https://www.jamstec.go.jp/e/about/press_release/20180523/

It’s finally springtime in the Northeast USA, so gardeners are looking to fertilize their plants and flowers. Have you ever stopped to wonder what is actually in the big bags of soil you spread on your lawn?

In most cases, it is a mixture of nitrogen and phosphorus. Both are limiting nutrients for the base of the food chain, aka plants. Phosphorus makes its way into soil and the ocean through weathering of rocks. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is trickier, because although it makes up over 70% of the atmosphere, this gaseous form (N2) is unusable by plants and animals.

So how does nitrogen get from the atmosphere into a usable form? The process is called “nitrogen fixation.” On land, bacteria in soil do the heavy lifting by converting N2 into organic nutrients like ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3) that are usable by plants. In the ocean, blue-green cyanobacteria are the most abundant type of bacteria to fix nitrogen. Collectively, these organisms are called diazotrophs, and account for close to 90% of natural nitrogen fixation.

In a recent collaborative publication, Associate Professor Julie Granger and Professor Craig Tobias contributed their expertise on the nitrogen cycle in the ocean. The study included scientists from various institutions and focused on standardizing procedures for measuring diazotrophic activity in field sample incubations.

Oceanographers are interested in understanding the magnitude and rate of nitrogen fixation by diazotrophs. These rates vary significantly depending on the location, whether coastal or open ocean, poles or equator, shallow or deep. Ultimately, scientists aim to evaluate what controls the reservoir of nitrogen in the ocean from measurements and its influence on ocean fertility. Unfortunately, researchers currently employ differing techniques, causing uncertainty in whether estimates of nitrogen fixation rates are inter-comparable among research groups and among ecosystems.

Granger, Tobias and colleagues focus on the 15N2 tracer method for this study. Therein, water samples from a particular depth and region of the ocean are incubated and supplemented with isotopically-labeled nitrogen gas (15N2 gas).

Isotopes refer to the different masses an element can have depending on its atomic structure. Nitrogen can have atomic mass of 14 or 15, which are referred to as 14N or 15N. Naturally occurring nitrogen is predominantly 14N, such that adding a dollop of 15N can facilitate the tracking of nitrogen transformations.

During incubation, living diazotrophs in the water samples convert nitrogen gas (including the labeled 15N-gas) into nitrogen nutrients. At the end of the incubation, the isotopic composition (whether 14N or 15N) of the newly “fixed” nitrogen is measured. This method allows scientists to track the amount and rate of atmospheric nitrogen gas that was converted into nitrogen nutrients at a particular ocean location.

Over the years, renditions of the 15N2 tracer method have been conceived, including some with questionable practices. As not all are created equal, Granger, Tobias and co-authors ultimately recommend the so-called “dissolution” and the “bubble release” methods over others.

Additionally, Granger and Tobias stress the importance of adhering to proven mass spectrometric procedures to quantify 15N, which is crucial for obtaining representative estimates.

The paper thus states, “While the research community may remain divided as to which variant of the method to follow, the standardization of some key practices will enable intercomparability among estimates, to better discern temporal and biogeographical trends, as well as environmental controls on ocean N2 fixation.”

While both Granger and Tobias are proud of the resulting document, they agree that they will never again engage in the Herculean effort that is achieving consensus: “Herding cats is harder than science.”

Trichodesmium, a common diazotroph, blooming in the ocean. Image courtesy of NASA’s Earth Observatory image archive.


White, A.E., Granger, J., Selden, C., Gradoville, M.R., Potts, L., Bourbonnais, A., Fulweiler, R.W., Knapp, A.N., Mohr, W., Moisander, P.H., Tobias, C.R., Caffin, M., Wilson, S.T., Benavides, M., Bonnet, S., Mulholland, M.R. and Chang, B.X. (2020), A critical review of the 15N2 tracer method to measure diazotrophic production in pelagic ecosystems. Limnol Oceanogr Methods. doi:10.1002/lom3.10353

Departmental Achievements, Spring 2020

Since the last edition of the newsletter, there has been plenty to celebrate and recognize in the department! Here you’ll find recent publications, new grants, undergraduate achievements, and awards in the Department of Marine Sciences from October 2019 through April 2020.

Awards Description
Prof. Heidi Dierssen Dierssen was awarded with a membership in the Connecticut Academy of Sciences and Engineering. She also was selected as team leader for the PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and ocean Ecosystems) NASA mission.
Prof. Peter Auster Auster served on the Ecological Experts Working Group for development of the Long Island Sound Blue Plan. The Blue Plan is an effort to implement marine spatial planning to address conflicting human uses of Long Island Sound while conserving natural resources.
Prof. in Residence Ralph Lewis Ralph Lewis received the Dr. Joe Webb Peoples Award from the Geological Society of Connecticut for his contributions to the understanding of Connecticut’s geology over the past 40 years.
Prof. Robert Mason Mason became Chief Editor for the inorganic pollutants section in the new Frontiers journal Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry.


Grants Description
Assistant Prof. Hannes Baumann Baumann received funding by Connecticut Sea Grant to study the potential re-emergence of spawning Atlantic sturgeon in the Connecticut River in collaboration with colleagues from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Prof. Hans G. Dam Linking eco-evolutionary dynamics of thermal adaptation and grazing in copepods from highly seasonal environments. National Science Foundation. P.I. Hans Dam. $ 531,484. 6/1/2020-5/31/2023. The grant will support a postdoc and a graduate student.
Kayla Mladinich (grad student, Prof. J. E. Ward) Connecticut Sea Grant recently funded Kayla Mladinich and the Ward Lab to help critically examining the science of microplastics uptake by oysters.
Tyler Griffin (grad student, Prof. J. E. Ward) Tyler Griffin received a seed grant to study the effect of chlorpyrifos, a common neurotoxic insecticide pollutant in coastal systems, on the taxonomic composition and metatranscriptomic expression of the gut microbiome of blue mussels. In collaboration with Associate Prof. Penny Vlahos.


Undergraduate Recognitions Description
Alex Frenzel (Class of 2021) Alexandra Frenzel just returned from her study abroad in Switzerland. An honors student as well, Alex was recently informed her 2020 SURF proposal was awarded.
Amelia Hurst (Class of 2021) Amelia Hurst was just accepted into the NASA Airborne Science Program. Amelia was awarded University Scholar recognition this past December, the highest distinction that the University bestows on an undergraduate. Amelia is a junior seeking a double degree in Anthropology and Marine Sciences, with honors in both.
Mackenzie Blanusa (Class of 2020) Mackenzie Blanusa was accepted into the summer 2020 Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System (CIMES) Research Internship Program at Princeton University. Mackenzie is a seeking a double degree in Marine Sciences and an Individualized Major titled Atmospheric Sciences, with a minor in mathematics. She is also wrapping up her UConn Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) project.


Publications Summary
Allison Byrd (M.S. 2019, Associate Prof. P. Vlahos) (Tidally resolved observations of organic carbon exchange through Eastern Long Island Sound.)
Brittany Sprecher (graduate student, Prof. S. Lin) Brittany Sprecher published her dinoflagellate gene transformation work in Microorganisms.
(Nuclear Gene Transformation in the Dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina.)
Assistant Prof. César B. Rocha Napolitano, Silveira, Rocha and colleagues developed a simple theoretical model to explain the recirculation of a subsurface western boundary current off Brazil. The theory agrees well with the time-mean flow observed by Argo floats and simulated with a regional numerical model. But the numerical model displays large variability due to strong westward-propagating eddies, which are not accounted for by the theory.
(On the Steadiness and Instability of the Intermediate Western Boundary Current between 24° and 18°S.)
Paradise, Rocha and colleagues employed a simple theoretical model to study the sensitivity of atmospheric blocking to climate change. Their model explores the mathematical analogy of blocking phenomena and traffic jams in freeways. The authors found that the present climate lies close to a boundary between a block-dominated state and is highly sensitive to perturbations to the jet stream.
(Blocking Statistics in a Varying Climate: Lessons from a “Traffic Jam” Model with Pseudostochastic Forcing.)
Rocha and colleagues developed new theoretical methods to characterize the strength of horizontal convection–the flow generated by differential heating at a single surface; horizontal convection is motivated by the observation that the ocean is cooled at high latitudes and heated in the tropics. Their mathematical machinery led to new bounds on the heat flux of horizontal convection.
(Improved bounds on horizontal convection.)
Chris Murray (Ph.D. 2019, Assistant Prof. H. Baumann) Dr. Murray and colleagues discovered a fish species that is unusually sensitive to ocean acidification and warming.
(High sensitivity of a keystone forage fish to elevated CO2 and temperature.)
Emma Cross (former postdoc, Assistant Prof. H. Baumann) Dr. Cross and colleagues showed that fluctuations in oxygen and carbon dioxide can benefit offspring of a coastal marine fish.
(Diel and tidal pCO2 × O2 fluctuations provide physiological refuge to early life stages of a coastal forage fish.)
Prof. Hans G. Dam (Antagonistic interplay between pH and food resources affects copepod traits and performance in a year-round upwelling system.)
Associate Prof. Julie Granger and Prof. Craig Tobias This effort involved numerous members of the community, and resulted in a comprehensive guide to insuring inter-comparability of N2 fixation rate estimates among researchers. Granger and Tobias, as well as former lab member Lindsey Potts, contributed to this effort by providing guidelines to ensure reliable N isotope ratio analyses by mass spectrometry.
(A critical review of the 15N2 tracer method to measure diazotrophic production in pelagic ecosystems.)
Julie Pringle (M.S. 2018, Assistant Prof. H. Baumann) Graduate alumnae Julie Pringle discovered that females in a common forage fish are growing faster and therefore survive better than males.
(Otolith-based growth reconstructions in young-of-year Atlantic silversides Menidia menidia and their implications for sex-selective survival.)
Matt Lacerra (M.S. 2019, Associate Prof. D. Lund) Graduate alumni Matt Lacerra showed that rising atmospheric CO2 levels at the end of the last ice age were likely due to weakening of the ocean’s biological pump.
(Less Remineralized Carbon in the Intermediate‐Depth South Atlantic During Heinrich Stadial 1.)
Associate Profs. Penny Vlahos and Mike Whitney Vlahos, Whitney, and colleagues found that 40% of nitrogen delivered to Long Island Sound (LIS) is primarily exported as organic nitrogen, while the rest is either buried in sediments or released as gas.
(Nitrogen budgets of the Long Island Sound estuary.)
Prof. Peter Auster These papers are part of a larger effort to understand the role of higher trophic level predators within marine protected areas with a focus on conserving species interactions as an element of management goals.
(Coordinated hunting behaviors of mixed species groups of piscivores and associated species at Isla del Coco National Park (Eastern Tropical Pacific).)
Prof. Peter Auster and Chris Conroy (former postdoc) The study was used in the recently released Condition Report for Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and will be used to revise the management plan for the Sanctuary.
(Time-series patterns and dynamics of species richness, diversity, and community composition of fishes at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (1970-2017).)
Assistant Prof. Samantha Siedlecki (Seasonal-to-interannual prediction of North American coastal marine ecosystems: Forecast methods, mechanisms of predictability, and priority developments.)
(The Importance of Environmental Exposure History in Forecasting Dungeness Crab Megalopae, Occurrence Using J-SCOPE, a High-Resolution Model for the US Pacific Northwest.)
(Exoskeleton dissolution with mechanoreceptor damage in larval Dungeness crab related to severity of present-day ocean acidification vertical gradients.)
Prof. Senjie Lin In collaboration with Prof. Zhi Zhou (Hainan University, China), Prof. S. Lin used genomic profiling to reveal that microplastics depressed growth and the capacity of detoxification in dinoflagellate symbionts of corals.
(Microplastic exposure represses the growth of endosymbiotic dinoflagellate Cladocopium goreaui in culture through affecting its apoptosis and metabolism.)
Prof. Senjie Lin, Associate Prof. Huan Zhang, Brittany Sprecher Members of the Lin Lab joined an international team which published a paper reporting development of functional genetic tools for protists (dinoflagellates and other single-celled eukaryotes).
(Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology.)

Grad Students Enjoy #OSM20

Nine graduate students shared their research at the 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Diego, California. A total of 22 presentations were given by DMS faculty, postdocs, and students. Besides the science, folks visited the La Jolla beaches and San Diego Zoo, ate delicious Mexican food, and networked with colleagues. We’re looking forward to more conferences and sharing our science!


See the full list of presentations:


  • DMS booth OSM2020
    Working the DMS booth in the exhibit hall (left to right: postdoc Martina Capriotti, and graduate students Mengyang Zhou, and Kelly McGarry).
  • San Diego Convention Center
    Outside the San Diego Convention Center.
  • Mengyang Zhou OSM2020
    Graduate student Mengyang Zhou with his poster.
  • Halle Berger OSM2020
    Graduate student Halle Berger (far left) presenting her research on the Dungeness Crab.
  • Poster hall OSM2020
    Poster hall at OSM20.
  • Palm trees and sunshine
    Palm trees and sunshine!
  • La Jolla sea lions
    Sea lions hanging out on the beach in La Jolla, CA.
  • Vlahos lab group
    Vlahos Lab looking fierce (seated Penny Vlahos; standing left to right: Lauren Barrett, Emma Shipley, and Allie Staniec).
  • Lauren Barrett OSM2020
    Graduate student Lauren Barrett giving her oral presentation.

DMS investigators complete full comprehensive nitrogen balances of LIS

Of the nitrogen delivered to Long Island Sound (LIS) using a 20 year time series, Vlahos, Whitney, and colleagues Found 40% of it is exported as primarily organic nitrogen (70% vs 30% as nitrate). However, 60% of the nitrogen Entering the LIS is either buried in sediments and/or denitrified to nitrogen gas and N2O.


UConn DMS at Ocean Sciences 2020

The Department of Marine Sciences is excited to be well represented at Ocean Sciences 2020 in San Diego next week. With 22 presentations by faculty, students, and researchers and an exhibition booth, there are lots of ways to find out more about our research and opportunities in our department. See the full list of presentations below.

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Former Marine Sciences graduate student, Dr. Maria Rosa, named as an Emerging Scholar by Diverse: Issues In Higher Education magazine

Former Marine Sciences graduate student, Dr. Maria Rosa, named as an Emerging Scholar by Diverse: Issues In Higher Education magazine (https://diverseeducation.com/2020-emerging-scholars/). For the past 19 years, Diverse: Issues In Higher Education has recognized an interdisciplinary group of minority scholars who represent the very best of the U.S. academy. Emerging Scholars are selected from hundreds of nominations, and those professors selected have distinguished themselves in their various academic disciplines and are actively working to make our society more equitable and just. This year, former Marine Sciences graduate student, Maria Rosa was one of fifteen professors nation-wide selected for the honor. Maria completed her PhD degree in 2016 (major advisor: Dr. J. Evan Ward), spent two years as a NSF-funded postdoctoral scholar at Stony Brook University (mentor: Dr. Dianna Padilla), and is currently the George and Carol Milne Assistant Professor of Biology at Connecticut College.

IUCN releases comprehensive report on ocean deoxygenation

9 December 2019. During the COP25 summit in Madrid, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released its latest comprehensive report titled “Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem” that compiles the current evidence for the ongoing, man-made decline in the oceans oxygen levels. The 588 page, 11 chapter wake-up call to these detrimental changes was produced by leading experts in the field. UConn DMS faculty Baumann is one of the co-authors in chapter 6 “Multiple stressors – forces that combine to worsen deoxygenation and its effects”.

From the executive summary:
“The equilibrium state of the ocean-atmosphere system has been perturbed these last few decades with the ocean becoming a source of oxygen for the atmosphere even though its oxygen inventory is only ~0.6% of that of the atmosphere. Different analyses conclude that the global ocean oxygen content has decreased by 1-2% since the middle of the 20th century. Global warming is expected to have contributed to this decrease, directly because the solubility of oxygen in warmer waters decreases, and indirectly through changes in the physical and biogeochemical dynamics.”

Access to the full report:

Chapter 6. Multiple stressors – forces that combine to worsen deoxygenation and its effects (5.86 MB) https://portals.iucn.org/library/sites/library/files/documents/06%20DEOX.pdf