Veronica Rollinson’s research to determining nutrient sources fueling macro-algal growth in Little Narragansett Bay gets local media attention.
Photo by Holly Westbrook
Veronica Rollinson’s research to determining nutrient sources fueling macro-algal growth in Little Narragansett Bay gets local media attention.
Photo by Holly Westbrook
On May 3rd Marine Sciences and Geosciences hosted a joint Climate Modeling Symposium and Workshop at Avery Point. The goals of the symposium and workshop were to build collaborations between individuals in Marine Sciences, Geosciences, and Geography who work on issues related to climate change and foster research and education on this important topic.
26 participants listened to seven faculty from three different departments speak about their current research. After the talks, a discussion session allowed free exchange of questions and ideas regarding climate modeling and research. The event ended with a mini-workshop and plans for future gatherings on the topic of climate change.
Dr. Senjie Lin and colleagues in several countries published a discovery that DNA methylation, an immune like mechanism in unicellular organisms to silence expression of “invading” DNA, has been “hijacked” by a type of invading DNA (retroposon) in dinoflagellates and other eukaryotes. Recently published in Nature Communications, the work suggests that at least in the dinoflagellates, the acquired DNA methylation can potentially help the invading DNA to evade the immune like machinery of the cell. If proven, this will be an intriguing case of “arms race” at the molecular level.
Link to the publication:
Hannes Baumann, an assistant professor in the University of Connecticut’s Department of Marine Sciences is the co-PI on a project which has received more than $325,000 from the National Science Foundation for a collaborative project to study this perplexing phenomenon with Nina Therkildsen, PI on this project and assistant professor of natural resources at Cornell University. The total funding for this project is $1.2 million over three years.
Baumann and Therkildsen’s project will begin by characterizing genome-wide patterns of differentiation in silverside fish populations. The silverside exhibits a remarkable degree of local adaptation for several traits including growth rates.
You can read the complete article by Anna Zarra Aldrich here:
Hannes Baumann and his research team sampling silversides with a beach seine in Mumford Cove, CT. (Chris Murray/UConn Photo)
Ann Bucklin received an award for service from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Council, Science Committee, and Secretariat.
The Service Award was given in recognition of her leading role in the ICES community, including contributions to ICES as Chair of the Working Group on Integrated Morphological and Molecular Taxonomy (WGIMT, see and from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2017. Ann remains an active member of WGIMT and ICES!
Annual 2017 meeting of ICES WGIMT in Bolougne-sur-mer, France. Photo P.H. Wiebe (WHOI).
Building off of her Ph.D. and postdoctoral research in Marine Sciences, Kaylan (Kate) Randolph, from the Dierssen COLORS Lab, was recently awarded a NASA New Investigator Program in Earth Sciences grant to characterize the hyperspectral reflectance of breaking waves with subsurface turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates, and air entrainment as a function of physical forcing conditions. Kate (pictured on the R.V. Laurence Gould in Punta Arenas, Chile with collaborator Ale Cifuentes-Lorenzen) will be deploying above-water autonomous hyperspectral radiometers from the Air-Sea Interaction Tower at Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory (WHOI). These measurements will be paired with subsurface acoustical and optical instrumentation to tackle the physics behind ocean color. Kate’s ongoing efforts to study ocean surface physics also include active collaborations with Chris Zappa at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Ale Cifuentes-Lorenzen at UConn (pending NSF).
Meghan Bartels from Newsweek recently interviewed University of Connecticut professor Heidi Dierssen for an article detailing the potential to use satellite imagery to estimate floating marine plastics. Dr. Dierssen recently published a paper with her postdoctoral student Dr. Shungu Garaba in Remote Sensing of the Environment analyzing the spectral properties and potential for remote sensing of marine macro- and microplastics as part of a NASA-funded project for the proposed hyperspectral satellite mission PACE. Bartels writes: “To know that it’s actually plastic and not something else floating or even a bubble or a whitecap, we have to have more of a sense of the spectral fingerprint and what’s unique to plastics,” Dierssen said. “It’s going to be very challenging.”
Read the complete article here:
Professor Heidi Dierssen and postdoctoral scholar Dr. Kaylan Randolph were coauthors on a new paper in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society describing a large interdisciplinary experiment airborne campaign in the Southern Ocean. They evaluated satellite and airborne remote sensing measurements to investigate biogeochemical and physical processes driving air–sea exchange of CO2, O2, and reactive biogenic gases in the Southern Ocean.
The ocean is filled with a myriad of life forms, but many people don’t think of the shoreline itself as “living.” Through a new project, James O’Donnell, a professor of marine sciences at the University of Connecticut, and collaborators from Sacred Heart University will collect data and develop statistical measures to improve tracking of Connecticut’s living shoreline projects.
Almost 30 members of the Department of Marine Sciences attended the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland, Oregon last month. The weeklong conference (February 11-16, 2018) brought together close to 4,000 attendees and covered all topics of oceanography, and other related fields. Many graduate students presented posters and gave oral presentations throughout the week. Professors, post-docs, and research staff presented their work as well. A handful also attended the 4th US Ocean Acidification PI Meeting held the days following the conference.
Following are those who attended:
Allison Byrd, graduate student
Steven Deignan-Schmidt, graduate student
Michelle Fogarty, graduate student
Jessica Hinckley, undergraduate student
Molly James, graduate student
Yan Jia, graduate student
Christopher Murray, graduate student
Veronica Rollinson, graduate student
Allison Staniec, graduate student
Qiang Sun (1) (2), graduate student
Heidi Yeh, graduate student
Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen, postdoctoral research associate
Emma Cross, postdoctoral research associate
Hayley DeHart, research technician
Lindsey Potts, research technician
Jennifer Questel, postdoctoral research associate
Brandon Russell, former postdoctoral research associate
Peter L Ruffino, research technician
Sydney Twarz, research technician
Holly Westbrook, research technician
Hannes Baumann (1) (2) (3), assistant professor
Ann Bucklin, professor
Hans Dam, professor
James Edson, professor emeritus
Melanie Fewings, assistant professor
Julie Granger, associate professor
Edward Monahan, professor emeritus
Samantha Siedlecki, assistant professor
Penny Vlahos, associate professor
Michael Whitney, associate professor