Evolving to Cope with Climate Change
Read the full article here.
Prof. Pieter Visscher publishes evidence of Arsenic-based life from 2.72 billion years ago in Nature Geosciences
An article by Prof. Visscher and colleagues was recently published in Nature Geosciences. The group assessed the chemistry and nature of cell-like globules found in 2.72-billion-year-old fossil stromatolites from Western Australia. The globules were composed of organic carbon and arsenic and their investigation suggests that life existed as a result of arsenic cycling before the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean were oxygenated. Details about this important finding can be found at:
Zair Burris wins the NEERS Dean Award for Best Graduate Student Poster
University of Connecticut graduate student Zair Burris won the NEERS Dean Award for Best Graduate Student Poster, with her presentation, SPERMATOPHORE PRODUCTION RATES AS A FUNCTION OF FOOD AVAILABILITY IN THE MARINE COPEPOD ACARTIA HUDSONICA, at the meeting of the North Eastern Estuarine Research Federation held at UConn, Oct. 16-17.