
Uconn Student is Outstanding Student Paper Award Recipient

Danielle Boshers, a graduate student with Julie Granger, received an Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA) for her talk at the American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting. OSPAs are awarded to promote, recognize, and reward the top 3-5% of student presenters for quality research in the geophysical sciences. The topic of her presentation was Oxygen Isotope Composition of Nitrate Produced by Freshwater Nitrification.

Professor Hans Dam becomes Sustaining Fellow of Prestigious Aquatic Science Association

Prof. Dam was elected a 2016 Sustaining Fellow of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLSO), the premier world association for aquatic scientists.  ASLO Sustaining Fellows are recognized as having sustained excellence in their contributions to ASLO and the aquatic sciences.


Emily Seelen spending nine months in Sweden to study the bioavailability of methylmercury using a molecular approach

Emily Seelen, a graduate student with Robert Mason who has a NSF Graduate Fellowship, was recently awarded a GROW (Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide) fellowship to spend nine months working with Dr. Erik Björn at the University of Umeå in Sweden. Emily left in October to begin her study: “A molecular approach to understanding the bioavailability of methylmercury associated with various sources of natural dissolved organic matter (DOM)”. The focus is on coastal and oceanic DOM interaction with methylmercury, which has been studied very little relative to its interaction with other DOM pools. Emily’s research will involve the use of high resolution instrumentation to characterize the DOM and it’s methylmercury binding capacity including x-ray near edge adsorption structure spectroscopy, Orbitrap LC-MS, and other related approaches. Emily has been a NSF Graduate Fellow since July 2013.
Image: Emily extracting organic matter from water samples for her studies in Sweden.
seelen in lab