Author: Manning, Cara

Paper on ocean mercury fluxes in Science Advances

Congratulations to UConn authors Yipeng He, Hannah Inman, and Robert Mason, as well as their collaborators, on their paper “Elevated methylmercury in Arctic rain and aerosol linked to air-sea exchange of dimethylmercury,” which was published in Science Advances on March 19!

From the authors:
The results of our study of mercury (Hg) dynamics in the Arctic in May/June 2021 further documented the potential of the ocean to be a source of dimethylmercury (DMHg) to the atmosphere under specific conditions, in this instance in conjunction with coastal upwelling. The study further showed that the fate of this DMHg is that it is converted in the atmosphere to methylmercury (MeHg), the most toxic and bioaccumulative form of Hg, which is then transported long distances in the atmosphere before being returned to the ocean in precipitation and through aerosol deposition leading to the potential contamination of fish and marine mammals in vulnerable ecosystems far from the DMHg source. The study determined the magnitude of the various fluxes involved in this transport to further quantify the importance of this pathway.

This research formed part of the thesis research of Yipeng He, the lead author, and was funded by NSF Polar Programs to Robert Mason and his co-PIs. Hannah Inman was also involved in the research study and is a co-author on the paper.


Yipeng He, Robert Mason, Marissa Despins, and Hannah Inman on the Arctic research expedition.
Photo 1: Yipeng He, Robert Mason, Marissa Despins, and Hannah Inman on the Arctic research expedition.


Graphical depiction of the processes demonstrating how the evasion of dimethylmercury (DMHg) to the atmosphere results in its conversion to methylmercury (MMHg) which is then redeposited to the ocean via precipitation and aerosol deposition far from the source.
Figure 2: Graphical depiction of the processes demonstrating how the evasion of dimethylmercury (DMHg) to the atmosphere results in its conversion to methylmercury (MMHg) which is then redeposited to the ocean via precipitation and aerosol deposition far from the source.


The associated estimated fluxes of methylated mercury (MeHg) into or out of the ocean for the various Arctic locations studied showing the net transport of MeHg from the DMHg source region to other ocean regions.
Figure 3: The associated estimated fluxes of methylated mercury (MeHg) into or out of the ocean for the various Arctic locations studied showing the net transport of MeHg from the DMHg source region to other ocean regions.

Professor Michael Whitney promoted to Full Professor

Congratulations to Professor Michael Whitney who has been promoted to Full Professor. Professor Whitney is an expert in coastal and estuarine physical oceanography and investigates physical dynamics such as river plumes, freshwater-saltwater mixing, tidal flows, and the impacts of bathymetry on circulation. He also researches the effects of these physical dynamics on water quality and the transport of debris, organisms, contaminants, and other chemicals. His research uses a combination of modeling and observational approaches including data collection and assimilation. To date he has published 43 research articles and received nearly $5 million in research funding as lead and co-principal investigator. Professor Whitney has active grants that support research on the transport of oyster larvae and harmful bacteria and the Icelandic Coastal Current.

Professor Whitney is actively engaged in education of our undergraduate, graduate, and certificate program students by teaching Physical Oceanography, Oceanographic Data Analysis, and River Influences on the Marine Environment. He has served as major advisor to nine MS and PhD students, involves undergraduates in his research, and participates in many outreach activities for local youth. He is actively engaged in service to the department, university, and broader scientific community including being the faculty point of contact and developer for our new Graduate Certificate in Oceanographic Science & Technology.

Professor Whitney joined UConn as an assistant professor in 2005 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012 and full professor in 2024. He has been Associate Head of the Department of Marine Sciences since August 2024.

Congratulations to Dr. Whitney on your achievements and thank you for your contributions to UConn and the scientific community!

Professor Michael Whitney promoted to Full Professor

Professor Julie Granger promoted to Full Professor

Congratulations to Professor Julie Granger who has been promoted to Full Professor!

Professor Granger is an internationally renowned expert in nitrogen biogeochemistry who studies how nitrogen influences ocean productivity. She has led foundational research on how different microbial processes fractionate nitrogen and oxygen isotopes, the results of which have been applied by a wide community of researchers. Her active research projects include studying nitrogen and oxygen biogeochemistry in the southern Benguela Upwelling System, studying nutrient cycling in the Arctic Ocean, and researching how nutrient and metal limitation influences microbial ecosystems in the Southern Ocean and low-nutrient gyres. Professor Granger is a recipient of an NSF CAREER award and has received over $4 million in research grant funding.

Professor Granger teaches a research-based and community-engaged course, Measurements and Analysis in Coastal Ecosystems, which is taken by all of our senior Marine Sciences majors. Students synthesize what they have learned throughout their degree by investigating causes of water quality impairment in local watersheds and communicating the results to the public. Students enjoy the opportunity to apply their knowledge and develop skills that they will use in the workforce after graduation. She also teaches graduate courses including Isotope Biogeochemistry and Geological Oceanography.

Professor Granger has served as major advisor to nine MS and PhD students, regularly employs undergraduates in her research laboratory, and hosts graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from other institutions to conduct research at UConn.

She actively contributes to department and university service, and to the broader scientific community including developing standards for the measurement of nitrogen fixation rates and publishing oceanic trace element and isotope data (GEOTRACES database).

Professor Granger joined UConn as an assistant professor in 2011 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2017 and full professor in 2024.

Congratulations to Dr. Granger on your achievements and contributions to UConn and the scientific community!

Professor Julie Granger promoted to Full Professor

Professor Jamie Vaudrey promoted to Associate Research Professor

Congratulations to Professor Jamie Vaudrey who has been promoted to Associate Research Professor.

Dr. Vaudrey leads applied research studying how human activities and land use changes affect coastal ecosystems to inform management. She was awarded the 2023 Faculty Environmental Leadership Award, which honors UConn staff who have had a positive impact on the environment by leading initiatives at UConn and beyond. She was recognized for leading the process to establish the Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve, which is based at the UConn Avery Point Campus, as well as helping to develop the Environmental Report Card for Long Island Sound which converts environmental monitoring data into an accessible format so that policymakers and the general public can understand how human decisions are improving water quality in Long Island Sound. She also contributed to developing the Unified Water Study which monitors water quality in more than forty embayments in Long Island Sound in collaboration with a large number of volunteer samplers.

She has served as the Research Coordinator for the Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve since its designation in 2022. There, she leads a team of staff who conduct environmental monitoring in coastal waters of Connecticut and collaborates with policymakers and the public. She has active research focused on coastal environmental issues, including monitoring and modeling the ecosystem impacts of nutrient pollution in Long Island Sound and developing strategies to improve the success of ecosystem restoration.

Beyond her research, she provides service to the university by serving on our Undergraduate Program Advisory Committee and she served as Chair of the Coastal Perspectives Lecture Series for the past 13 years, which brings the public to campus to learn about environmental issues. She has and continues to serve as an advisor to many community-based and governmental environmental monitoring organizations, due to her unique ability to communicate scientific results to those with other backgrounds.

Although her position does not have any teaching or student mentoring requirements, Dr. Vaudrey has consistently demonstrated her passion and talent for teaching by teaching our First Year Experience course for Marine Sciences majors, as well as our required writing course, Marine Sciences and Society. Dr. Vaudrey supervises multiple graduate students and has mentored many undergraduate interns who have worked in her lab and at the CT NERR.

We are proud that Professor Vaudrey is a graduate of our PhD program in Oceanography! Congratulations to Professor Vaudrey on your achievements and your service to UConn and the broader community to protect our environment in Long Island Sound and beyond.

Professor Jamie Vaudrey promoted to Associate Research Professor

Professor Lin receives two research awards

Congratulations to Professor Senjie Lin who has been awarded the 2024 UConn-AAUP Excellence Award in the Research & Creativity: Career category, as well as the 2024 Alumni Faculty Excellence Award in Research and Creativity (Sciences)! These university-wide honors celebrate faculty who have demonstrated sustained academic excellence over their career and made significant contributions to a field of knowledge. 

Dr. Lin is a world-renowned leader in the field of phytoplankton physiology and molecular biology. He develops and applies molecular tools (e.g., genomics and metatranscriptomics) to study phytoplankton, primary producers who form the base of marine food webs.  

Prof. Lin is an expert on dinoflagellates, a type of phytoplankton that are increasingly important to study because this group is often involved in toxic algal blooms that can close fisheries and beaches and because some dinoflagellates are essential to coral health, which is deteriorating due to increasing coral bleaching events resulting from climate change.  

As part of his research, Prof. Lin has developed new molecular tools such as mitochondrial barcoding for taxonomic identification of dinoflagellates, and developed a new molecular marker based on a specific dinoflagellate genomic trait (DinoSL) which is used to identify and separate dinoflagellate RNA from genetic materials from other types of phytoplankton. Both techniques are now widely used throughout the international research community as demonstrated through the many citations on these articles.

Prof. Lin’s work has also demonstrated how dinoflagellates and diatoms acquire phosphorus and provided new insights into the drivers of harmful algal blooms. 

Professor Lin has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles and in 2023 he was ranked in the top 2% of global scientists based on his citations. 

Congratulations to Professor Lin on this well-deserved honor! 

Dr. Senjie Lin / 2024 UConn-AAUP Excellence Award / 2024 Alumni Faculty Excellence Award

Summary of Summer/Fall 2023 Departmental Achievements

Check out a summary of some of the achievements in our department in summer and fall 2023 below!


*identify students


Professor Ann Bucklin and Paola Batta Lona

Population genetic analysis reveals distinct demographic histories of two Arctic euphausiid species and their responses to ecological drivers affecting communities in the Arctic Ocean.

Bucklin, A., Questel, J.M., Batta-Lona, P.G. et al. Population genetic diversity and structure of the euphausiids Thysanoessa inermis and T. raschii in the Arctic Ocean: inferences from COI barcodes. Mar. Biodivers. 53, 70 (2023).


Professor Hans Dam

This study led by alumni James deMayo, shows the limits to adaptation to the ongoing ocean warming and acidification. Animals adapted to these conditions are less fit than animals adapted to current conditions. Hence, there is no free lunch to adaptation to climate change.

deMayo James A.*, Brennan Reid S., Pespeni Melissa H., Finiguerra Michael, Norton Lydia, Park Gihong, Baumann Hannes and Dam Hans G. 2023Simultaneous warming and acidification limit population fitness and reveal phenotype costs for a marine copepod. Proc. R. Soc. B.2902023103320231033.


Professor Heidi Dierssen:

NASA plans to launch three new missions for monitoring aquatic ecosystems from space: PACE in 2024, Geostationary Littoral Imaging Radiometer in 2026, and SBG in 2028. Each mission monitors unique space and time scales from inland water quality to coastal seagrass habitats to upwelling zones supporting rich phytoplankton blooms. Having many more wavebands than historic sensors, these missions will allow us for the first time to monitor phytoplankton diversity from space. Dr. Dierssen serves as the Science and Applications Team Leader for the PACE mission and is on the mission team for the SBG mission.

Dierssen et al. 2023.  “Synergies Between NASA’s Hyperspectral Aquatic Missions PACE, GLIMR, and SBG: Opportunities for New Science and Applications”.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,

128, e2023JG007574.


Several spectral indices have been proposed in the last decade for remote detection of macroplastics in the environment, however no comprehensive analysis has been provided on the over land and water. Published and new algorithms proposed in this study were evaluated on hyperspectral remote sensing imagery taken over plastic targets in Ostend, Belgium.  Dr. Dierssen developed and worked on this study as a Fulbright scholar to Belgium.

Castagna, Dierssen, et al. 2023. “Evaluation of historic and new detection algorithms for different types of plastics over land and water from hyperspectral data and imagery” Remote Sensing of the Environment.


Professor Senjie Lin: 

In an opinion piece, Lin analyzed the complexity of how phosphorus-nutrient limitation interacts with ocean acidification in impacting phytoplankton, the foundation of the marine ecosystem. He further brought forth a suite of fundamental research questions that need to be addressed and proposed several multi-disciplinary multi-platform approaches that need to be deployed to address these questions. 

Lin, S. Phosphate limitation and ocean acidification co-shape phytoplankton physiology and community structure. Nat Commun 14, 2699 (2023).


Professor David Lund: 

This paper indicates that weakening of the Atlantic overturning circulation regularly occurs when the Earth transitions from glacial to interglacial conditions (i.e. deglaciations).  Graduate student Monica Garity’s results suggest weakening of the Atlantic circulation plays a key role in deglaciation, most likely through accumulation of heat in the subsurface North Atlantic and subsequent melting of ice shelves.  

Multi-proxy evidence for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)  weakening during deglaciations of the past 150,000 years

Monica Garity and David Lund

Accepted in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

Professors Rob Mason, Penny Vlahos, Michael Whitney, and Zofia Baumann:

The study, conducted while Maodian Liu was a visiting scientist at DMS, identified the importance of the river plume as a hot spot of methylmercury production in Long Island Sound. This finding is significant because methylmercury is toxic and bioaccumulative, and understanding its biogeochemical cycling is essential for public health management. The studies were conducted in conjunction with studies of carbon and nutrient dynamics in LIS (Vlahos and Whitney’s funded research).      

“Riverine Discharge Fuels the Production of Methylmercury in a Large Temperate Estuary” Maodian Liu, Robert P. Mason, Penny Vlahos, Michael M. Whitney, Qianru Zhang, Joseph K. Warren, Xuejun Wang, Zofia Baumann. Environmental Science & Technology 2023 Vol. 57 Issue 35 Pages 13056-13066 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c00473


Professors Rob Mason and Zofia Baumann:

This research highlighted the importance of the reduced sulfur content of organic matter in influencing the binding of methylmercury to dissolved organic matter and to influencing its bioaccumulation at the base of the aquatic food chain. The work was led by alumni Emily Seelen.     

Seelen, E.A.*, Liem-Nguyen, V., Wünsch, U., Baumann, Z., Mason, R.P., Skyllberg, U., Björn, E. 2023.. Dissolved organic matter thiol concentrations determine methylmercury bioavailability across the terrestrial-marine aquatic continuum. Nat Commun 14, 6728.


Professor Rob Mason: 

During cruises in 2021 in the Arctic, Marissa determined the relationship between nitrification in the water column and mercury methylation as this is an unexplored pathway for the production of methylmercury in ocean waters. Her studies showed that nitrification bacteria could be important for mercury methylation.         

Despins, M.C., Mason, R.P., Aguilar-Islas, Lamborg, C.H., Hammerschmidt, C.R., Newell, S.E. 2023. Linked mercury methylation and nitrification across the oxic sub-polar regions. Frontiers in Environ. Chem., 4: DOI: 10.3389/fenvc.2023.1109537.


This chapter in the book highlighted the importance of sources and cycling of inorganic and organic contaminants in impacting human and wildlife health.  

Chen, C.Y., Mason, R.P., Lohmann, R., Muir, D. 2023. Chemical pollution and the ocean. In: Oceans and Human Health: Opportunities and Impacts, 2nd Ed.,, Fleming, L.E. et al. (Eds.), Chapter 13, Elsevier, 351-426.


Mason, R.P., Buckman, K.L., Seelen, E.A., Taylor, V.T., Chen, C.Y. 2023. An examination of the factors influencing the bioaccumulation of methylmercury at the base of the estuarine food web. Sci. Tot, Environ.  866: Art. # 163996.


Professor Jim O’Donnell: 

Knowing the height and period of waves at the shore of Connecticut during major storms is central to the cost-effective design of coastal flood protection systems. We have made measurements of waves for almost 20 years at two locations in Long Island Sound (WLIS and CLIS) in the deeper parts of the Sound, so we need a model to create estimates at the coast. This paper, led by alumni Amin Illia, describes our implementation of FVCOM and SWAVE to do that, and it reports how well it works and what we need to do to improve it.  

Ilia, Amin*, Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen, Grant McCardell, and James O’Donnell. 2023. “Wind Wave Growth and Dissipation in a Narrow, Fetch-Limited Estuary: Long Island Sound” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, no. 8: 1579.


Professor Samantha Siedlecki: 

Over the past 10 years, Siedlecki and her team have developed a seasonal ocean prediction system, JISAO’s Seasonal Coastal Ocean Prediction of the Ecosystem (J-SCOPE), for the coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest. The results of this work include publicly available seasonal forecasts of ocean acidification variables, hypoxia, temperature, and ecological indicators that are tailored for decision-makers involved in federal, international, state, and tribal fisheries that have been used to inform decisions. This work provides a retrospective look at the first 10 years of forecasting. 


Siedlecki, S.A., S.R. Alin, E.L. Norton, N.A. Bond, A.J. Hermann, R.A. Feely, and J.A. Newton. Can seasonal forecasts of ocean conditions aid fishery managers?:  Experiences from 10 years of J SCOPE. Oceanography.  2023.

Professor Pieter Visscher:

The Bernhard paper investigated the role of biology in Earth’s oldest fossils (2.3 to 3.5 billion year old), using modern analogs. The Bernhard et al. paper discovered new species of protists that shape the internal fabric microbial rocks. This work the was co-authored by one DMS undergraduate (Luke Fisher), two DMS MS students (Quinne Murphy, Heidi Yeh) and two other DMS faculty (Paola Batta Lona and Ann Bucklin)


Bernhard, J.M., L.A. Fisher, Q. Murphy*, L. Sen, H. Yeh*, A.S. Louyakis, F. Gomaa, M. Reilly, P.G. Batta Lona, A. Bucklin, V. Le Roux, P.T. Visscher 2023. Transition from stromatolite to thrombolite fabric: Potential role for reticulopodial protists in lake microbialites of a Proterozoic ecosystem analog. Frontiers in Microbiology 30, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1210781


The paper first authored by Marlisa Marthino de Brito is about understanding whiting events (production of small carbonate minerals) in lakes. Often, these CO2-consuming mass events are predicted based on the chemical composition of the water column (the alkalinity) but are not observed because the picoplankton “slime” scavenges the calcium from the water and inhibits the mineral production. This slime is later degraded by microbes at the sediment surface and minerals are formed there . This has implications for satellite estimations of carbon sequestration in lakes. Marlisa defended her PhD on September 27, at the Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté in Dijon, France. Pf. Visscher was her major advisor.


Martinho de Brito, M., I. Bundeleva, F. Marin, E. Vennin, A. Wilmotte, L. Plasseraud, P.T. Visscher. 2023. Properties of exopolymeric substances (EPSs) produced during cyanobacterial growth: Potential role in whiting events. Biogeosciences 20:3165–3183,


Professor Penny Vlahos: 

For the first time, the contribution of sedimentary fluxes to carbon and nutrient cycling in the shallow Pacific Arctic region was empirically quantified; carbon and nutrient effluxes from sediments were shown to be greatest in ice-free waters with high rates of surface productivity.


Barrett, L. J.*, Vlahos, P., Hammond, D. E., & Mason, R. P. (2023). Sediment-water fluxes of inorganic carbon and nutrients in the Pacific Arctic during the sea ice melt season. Continental Shelf Research, 105116.


Professor Evan Ward: 

Blue mussels were exposed to nylon microfibers, a particle control, or non-particle control for 21 days, but these exposures did not show any effects on the mussel gut microbiome or gut tissues.  Please find here: 

Collins, H.I.*, Griffin, T.W.*, Holohan, B.A., & Ward, J.E. (2023) Nylon microfibers develop a distinct plastisphere but have no apparent effects on the gut microbiome or gut tissue status in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. Environmental Microbiology, 1-15. Available from:


Voiding feces (depuration) is an important factor that determines the community structure of gut microbiomes from blue mussels.

Griffin, T.W.*, Darsan, M.A., Collins, H.I.*, Holohan, B.A., Pierce, M.L., & Ward, J.E. (2023). A multi-study analysis of gut microbiome data from the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) emphasises the impact of depuration on biological interpretation. Environmental Microbiology, 1-15.


Professor Ward and Sandra Shumway

A critical assessment of microplastics in molluscan shellfish with recommendations for experimental protocols, animal husbandry, publication, and future research

Sandra E. Shumway, Kayla Mladinich*, Noreen Blaschik, Bridget Holohan and J. Evan Ward. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture  2023. Open Access until March 1, 2024



Professor Heidi Dierssen:

Dr. Dierssen was awarded a new NASA Interdisciplinary Science grant $1.7M to study phytoplankton, carbon, and sea ice dynamics in the Western Antarctic Peninsula region of the Southern Ocean with colleagues from Rutgers University, University of Colorado, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


Professor Rob Mason: 

NSF Chemical Oceanography. 9/1/2023-8/31/2026. Mason, sole PI. Constraining the air-sea exchange of inorganic and methylated mercury with high resolution spatial and temporal measurements in the Sargasso Sea. $680,675.


Professor Leonel Romero

The Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory received a $712,215 grant from NSF to conduct novel measurements of breaking waves in the open ocean using stereo imagery from visible and infrared cameras. The results of this study will contribute greatly to our understanding of wave breaking with important implications for air-sea exchanges, remote sensing, and the prediction of microseisms.


Professor Samantha Siedlecki:

A new award to study coastal terrestrial liming as a potential method of mCDR via ocean alkalinity enhancement with a holistic program to monitor the carbon chemistry of a small coastal lagoon before and after the application of calcitic limestone on the surface of an abutting golf course. This work is a part of a larger investment that the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program on behalf of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) announces $24.3M of funding to advance research in marine carbon dioxide removal. 


NOPP (2023-2026) mCDR 2023: An opportunity to study Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement, CDR, and ecosystem impacts through coastal liming (PI: Palter, URI) Total $1,538,451.52 ($300,540 to UConn)



Congratulations to graduate student Mengyang Zhou was awarded the CERF (Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation) Rising TIDES (Toward an Inclusive, Diverse, and Enriched Society) Scholar 2023. This award provides valuable support for attending conferences and fostering career development in the field of coastal and estuarine science and management. 


Congratulations to Mengyang Zhou on receiving the best poster award at the recent Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Dynamics in June of 2023. His poster entitled “Constraints on the bottom water residence time in an economically-important embayment of the Southern Benguela Upwelling System” is work that is part of an NSF-funded project led by Pf. Julie Granger and Pf. Samantha Siedlecki in partnership with colleagues at the University of Capetown. Mengyang ran a series of particle tracking experiments in a high-resolution simulation to quantify the residence time of bottom waters plagued with hypoxia. Interannually, years with short bottom water residence time experienced little hypoxia. This work is part of his Ph.D. dissertation research with Pf. Julie Granger.


Our PhD student Anagha Payyambally was featured in UConn Today to celebrate her achievement of receiving the Quad Fellowship. Anagha is one of only 100 recipients out of over 3000 applicants to receive this fellowship to her graduate studies. This new fellowship program supports exceptional students who are citizens of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan to support their graduate studies in the United States and build collaboration among scientists and technologists.  Read the story here with quotes from Anagha and her advisor Dr. Manning. 


Congratulations to Brendon Goulette, an undergraduate student in our department who was awarded a Connecticut Sea Grant Undergraduate Research Fellowship for the work he is doing with Professors Catherine Matassa and Samantha Siedlecki and PhD student Halle Berger. Brendon is researching how climate change is affecting sea scallops, a significant commercial fishery in New England.

Read more about Brendon’s research here!


PhD student Anagha Payyambally featured in UConn Today

Our PhD student Anagha Payyambally was featured in UConn Today to celebrate her achievement of receiving the Quad Fellowship. Anagha is one of only 100 recipients out of over 3000 applicants to receive this fellowship to her graduate studies. This new fellowship program supports exceptional students who are citizens of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan to support their graduate studies in the United States and build collaboration among scientists and technologists.

Read the story here with quotes from Anagha and her advisor Dr. Manning. Congratulations, Anagha!


Brendon Goulette awarded Connecticut Sea Grant Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Brendon Goulette, an undergraduate student in our department who was awarded a Connecticut Sea Grant Undergraduate Research Fellowship for the work he is doing with Professors Catherine Matassa and Samantha Siedlecki and PhD student Halle Berger. Brendon is researching how climate change is affecting sea scallops, a significant commercial fishery in New England.
Caption: Brendon Goulette measures scallop shells in Samantha Siedlecki’s lab at the UConn Avery Point campus. 

Professor Siedlecki awarded tenure and promotion to Associate Professor

Congratulations to Professor Samantha Siedlecki who was recently awarded tenure and promotion to Associate Professor from the University of Connecticut! We are so proud to have Prof. Siedlecki as a member of our department and to see her awarded tenure.

Professor Siedlecki has been a highly valued member of our department since her arrival at UConn in 2017 and has played many leadership roles in our department and the broader scientific community. Dr. Siedlecki’s research group focuses on coastal biogeochemistry using a combination of simulations and observations to characterize historical and ongoing change and forecast future trends. A particular focus of her group’s work is on coastal carbon and oxygen cycling, including the impacts of decreasing ocean pH (ocean acidification) and decreasing oxygen (deoxygenation) resulting from climate change and other human impacts.

Her research accomplishments have been recognized through an Early Career Faculty Innovators Program Fellowship from NCAR and a Kavli Fellowship from the US National Academy of Sciences. Since her arrival at UConn, she has received approximately 16 grants totalling over $4 million in funding from organizations including NOAA and NSF, including serving as co-lead PI on a $1 million grant on assessing the vulnerability of sea scallops to ongoing ocean change. 

Her teaching contributions have included developing two new courses, Ocean Expedition (a very popular course for our graduate students) and Biogeochemical Modeling, and teaching Environmental Reaction and Transport, a course that allows undergraduate students to develop their quantitative and problem solving skills. She has mentored numerous personnel in the department, and currently supervises two PhD students, one masters student, one research associate, one research scientist, and multiple undergraduate students.

Dr. Siedlecki has been highly active in departmental service, having served on several departmental committees, including the Advisory Committee to the Head, and was a founding member of the department’s Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee. She was recognized with a Climate, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award from the UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 2022 due to her contributions to fostering an inclusive climate in our department and at UConn.

Outside of UConn, she has had substantial contributions to research organizations and activities at the regional, national and international level, including serving as co-coordinator for the Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (NECAN) and serving as a member of the international scientific committee for the 5th International Symposium on Oceans in a High CO2 World, and also gave an invited plenary presentation at this conference. Dr. Siedlecki makes stakeholder engagement and outreach critical components of her research program and has participated in numerous outreach activities with members of the aquaculture industry and management organizations along with members of her research group. 

Dr. Siedlecki has co-authored approximately 36 publications and some of her recent publications are listed below.

Now that she has been awarded tenure, Prof. Siedlecki looks forward to finalizing her group’s work with east coast coastal communities through a regional vulnerability assessment of scallops and the communities who rely on them. She plans to conduct similar assessments in other regions with the international research community and is currently preparing a proposal with South African colleagues.

Congratulations to Dr. Siedlecki! We are excited to watch the future accomplishments by you and your team!

Recent publications:

Seasonality and life history complexity determine vulnerability of Dungeness crab to multiple climate stressors” by Berger et al. (2021) in AGU Advances. This paper was led by Siedlecki lab graduate student Halle Berger.

Coastal processes modify projections of some climate-driven stressors in the California Current System” by Siedlecki et al. (2021) in Biogeosciences.

Projecting ocean acidification impacts for the Gulf of Maine to 2050: New tools and expectations” by Siedlecki et al. (2021) in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.

Prof. Siedlecki at the Avery Point campus


Prof. Siedlecki and PhD student Halle Berger in Norway following a research conference.


Prof. Siedlecki on the R/V Connecticut during the Oceanographic Expedition graduate course in 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Patricia Myer, PhD!

Congratulations to Dr. Patricia Myer, the department’s newest PhD! Here is a description and some photos of Dr. Myer’s PhD journey, in her own words.

My Ph.D. dissertation defense was on March 20th, 2023, and titled “A Critical Examination of the Factors Controlling Methylmercury Uptake into Marine Plankton.”

I am a student in Dr. Robert Mason’s group and my research includes a three-year long time series of methylmercury in phytoplankton in Narragansett Bay, RI, a research cruise in the Northwest Pacific (NOAA GU1905), and laboratory uptake experiments with the dinoflagellate O. marina.

The goal of these projects was ultimately to compare the effects of biological and environmental variables (e.g., cell size, temperature, dissolved organic matter) between laboratory experiments and environmental studies to try to disentangle the leading drivers of methylmercury accumulation into plankton. The main takeaway is that relationships seen in laboratory experiments, both from my work and the literature, are not nearly as straightforward in the environment. There is a lot more work to be done to understand these complex relationships.

Currently, I have one publication from my prior undergraduate work ( and one from my work in the Mason lab that is not part of my dissertation ( I am currently preparing three papers relating to my dissertation for publication.

This work was funded by NSF Chemical Oceanography and the UConn Predoctoral Award.

Myer on the GU1905 cruise with a portable fume hood for processing methylmercury samples into particulate and dissolved fractions – October 2019


Myer presenting in Krakow, Poland at the International Conference for Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) – September 2019