Since the last newsletter edition, many members of the Department of Marine Sciences were awarded grants, published articles, and received fellowships and awards. Congratulations to everyone on their remarkable achievements! All are presented in alphabetical order by last name.
Mackenzie Blanusa and Annalee Mears | UConn Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF)
Elisabeth (Lissa) Giacalone | Dominion Energy student internship, working in environmental compliance at Millstone Power Station, Waterford, CT
Vena Haynes | Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the UConn Graduate School
Gunnar Hansen | Doctoral Student Travel Fellowship from the UConn Graduate School
Abigail Kwiat | NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates through University of Chicago Marine Biological Laboratory at the Plum Island Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research site
Kayla Mladinich | Doctoral Student Travel Fellowship from the UConn Graduate School
Julie Granger and Samantha Siedlecki | Investigation of mechanisms leading to seasonal hypoxia in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System.
Rob Mason | Collaborative Research: Constraining the role of chemical transformations in the cycling of mercury in the Arctic Ocean air-sea interface.
Samantha Siedlecki | Assessment of the observing network to identify processes relevant to the predictability of the coastal ocean of the Northeast on centennial time scales, NOAA OAP.
Pieter Visscher | 2019-2020 Synchrotron Soleil/CNRS-CEA: Spatial distribution of metals in microbialites as biosignatures: Linking the modern to the fossil record and search for life on Mars. Visscher (PI), Bouton (Co-PI); Fifteen shifts of beamtime in the Nanoscopium, Synchrotron Soleil, Paris, France.
Ann Bucklin | Outstanding Achievement Award at ICES Annual Science Conference. |