Graduating doctoral students Melissa Pierce and Maria Rosa hired for post-doctoral positions

Congratulations to Melissa Pierce for being hired as a post-doctoral research associate at The University of Illinois at Chicago.  Melissa will be working in the laboratory of Dr. Rachel Poretsky on a NOAA-funded project.  The project is aimed at improving aquaculture conditions for sablefish by evaluating the influence of the microbial community, DMSP, and potential algal/bacterial interactions on larval growth and behavior.  Sablefish (also known as black cod) are a species of interest to the aquaculture community in part because of their high omega-3 fatty acid content.


Congratulations to Maria Rosa on her recently awarded NSF Post-doctoral Fellowship in Biology!  Maria will be conducting her post-doc at Stony Brook University with sponsoring scientist Dr. Dianna K. Padilla.  The goal of the study is to determine the relative importance of different feeding modes during early ontogenetic stages of representative species of suspension-feeding molluscs.