Policy and resources for violations of code
- Departmental code of conduct
Other university-wide JEDI resources
- Office of Diversity & Inclusion
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- UConn Rainbow Center
- Mental Health Resources
- Center for Students with Disabilities
- International Student Resources
External resources to answer questions and raise awareness about JEDI issues
"Geoscientists excluded" Op-ed Nature Geoscience 10 Mar 2023
- Marin-Spiotta et al. (2023) Exclusionary Behaviors Reinforce Historical Biases and Contribute to Loss of Talent in the Earth Sciences. Earth's Future, 11:e2022EF002912
- Diversity workshop guide discussing identity power and privilege
- The Conversation: Why LGBTQ inclusivity still matters in higher education
- Kent University: Common ally questions
- PLOS Editorial: Responses to 10 common criticisms of anti-racism action in STEMM
We respectfully acknowledge that as employees of UConn we live and work on the traditional land of the first people of Connecticut, the Mohegan and Pequot Peoples past and present, and honor with gratitude the land and the Mohegan and Pequot Tribes.
2022-2023 JEDI meeting notes
After an initial survey in 2021, the JEDI committee of DMS conducted a follow up survey in 2023 to characterize personal experience, perceptions, recruitment of minorities, and attitudes towards diversity/inclusivity issues | Click picture above to access the results.
Current departmental initiatives to increase Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- Gender neutral bathrooms in the Weicker Building
- Planning a bystander intervention workshop (Spring 2023)
- Applying for CLAS funds to support the Bridge fellowship and other activities
- Administering the departmental climate survey
Long-term departmental & university-wide initiatives
We actively strive to recruit and retain URM and LGBTQ+ students:
- We use a holistic admissions review process and no longer require the GRE
- We participate in the nationwide AGU BRIDGE Program
- We participate in the "Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE)" initiative by forming a pod of engaged students and faculty
Our department follows best practices for advising of graduate students:
Graduate student handbook | Annual reports | Individual Development Plans