Reservation Form Reservation Form Name of person who will be the on-site host of the meeting* First Last Email address of host* Email address for form submission confirmation (host will be emailed as well) Purpose of the reservation/name of meeting*Type of event (check all that apply)* Routine campus/committee meeting Invited presentation (seminars/brown bags) Retreat/team building Writing retreat/quiet study Training Other - please describe in notes Date of meeting (yyyy/mm/dd)* YYYY slash MM slash DD Start time including setup* : Hours Minutes End time including cleanup* : Hours Minutes Number of attendees expected*Select all requested room(s). Selection is considered confirmation that you will have no more attendees than the room capacity indicated. Prices are for half day and full day.* LWB 103 - seminar room - capacity 70 with chairs only - $200/$350 LWB 230 - Cooper room - capacity 8 - $180/$300 LWB 312 - conference room - capacity 24 - $200/$350 LWB 330 - Feng room - capacity 10 - $180/$300 LWB 104 - computer classroom - capacity 24 LWB 105 - teaching lab - capacity 20 LWB 107 - teaching lab - capacity 20 LWB 122 - classroom - capacity 24 LWB 123 - iTV classroom - capacity 21 LWB 124 - classroom - capacity 24 Email address of billing contact* Do you have any special requests for your event? For example, will you move furniture?* Yes/Maybe - please explain in notes field No Will there be attendees that do not have UConn parking permits?* Yes/Maybe - please explain in notes field No Will there be any pre-college aged attendees?* Yes/Maybe - please explain in notes field No Indicate the age group (select all that apply)* Primary school Middle school High school Other Please provide information about the pre-college aged attendees*Please add any notes or details about your reservation.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.