Peter Auster
(Ph.D., National University of Ireland, Galway) Research Professor of Marine Sciences, emeritus
I am a Research Professor Emeritus of Marine Sciences and was the Science Director of the former Northeast Underwater Research Technology & Education Center. I also hold an appointment as a Senior Research Scientist at Mystic Aquarium. My research focuses primarily on the ecology and conservation of fishes, their habitats, and associated biodiversity. This work has allowed me to serve as scientist or chief-scientist on over 60 major research cruises and a multitude of shore-based projects in the northwest Atlantic, Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, Caribbean Sea, South China Sea, Indian Ocean, Gulf of California, and in the equatorial Pacific.
For 40+ years (yikes!!), I have conducted studies to define how variation across underwater landscapes mediates the distribution and abundance of fishes, understand the linkages between habitat level processes and population-community dynamics, and develop survey methods for fishes living in spatially complex habitats. From an applied science perspective, I have focused on understanding the ecological impacts of human uses of the sea and on developing a scientific basis for using marine protected areas as a conservation tool.
My basic approach to fieldwork has been to use the same types of techniques underwater that wildlife biologists use on land. That is, making direct underwater observations to study how individual animals react to variations in nature. I have used scuba, research submersibles, remotely operated vehicles, autonomous vehicles, acoustic tagging, and various sonar technologies for this work. While studies in the field are used primarily to quantify patterns in nature, laboratory experiments are used to develop a mechanistic understanding of processes and collect data on rates of particular interactions (e.g., how habitat variability mediates rates of predation and predator recognition of prey). Computer modeling is then used to extrapolate results to population, community and regional scales.
I serve on a number of panels and committees that are focused on marine resource management and conservation and I am involved in multiple outreach initiatives that are targeted at informing the public about marine conservation issues.
Research Projects
Virtual Reality Camera Technology: Sampling Interactions of Piscivores and Prey – National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
The Long Island Sound Mapping and Research Collaborative – LISMaRC – Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
CINAR: Investigating Coral Communities in the Gulf of Maine – NOAA
Exploration, mapping and surveys of the underwater habitats and ecosystems of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve – NOAA
Behavioral Ecology of Piscivores at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary – NOAA
Behavior Webs of Piscivores at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica – UCR and Undersea Hunter Group
Oceanography Alumni
Kimberly Barber – M.Sc. 2007
Amy Ferland – M.Sc. 2007
Chiu-Yen Kuo – M.Sc. 2008
Victoria Price – M.Sc. 2012
Alison Tamsett – M.Sc. 2010
Honors Received
1999 – Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation
2000 – NOAA Environmental Hero Award
2000 – Distinguished Conservation Scholar at Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment
2001 – American Oceans Campaign Ocean Hero
2005 – Fellow of The American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists
2007 – NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries Outstanding Volunteer Service Award
2010-11 – Mote Eminent Scholar in Fisheries Ecology at Florida State University
2010 – University of Connecticut at Avery Point Award for Excellence in Teaching
Kaikkonen, L., T. Amaro, P. Auster, D. Bailey, J. Bell, A. Brandt, M.R. Clark, J. Drazen, C. Du Preez, E. Escobar-Briones, Giacomello, M. Gianni, A. Johnson, L. Levin, R. Milligan, S. Oduware, T. Pearman, C. Pham, S. Ramalho, A. Rowden, L. Victorero. 2024. Improving Impact Assessments to reduce impacts of deep-sea fisheries on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems. Marine Policy. Marine Policy, 167, p.106281.
Auster, P.J. and M.E. Cullerton. 2024. Can variation in fish predator density and the “landscape of fear” facilitate coral restoration success? Reef Encounter. 39 (July 2024):48-50.
McCarthy, A.H., D. Steadman, H. Richardson, J. Murphy, S. Benbow, J.I. Brian, H. Brooks, G. Costa-Domingo, C. Hazin, C. McOwen, J. Walker, D. Willer, M. Abdi, P.J. Auster, R. Bealey, R. Bensted-Smith, K. Broadburn, G. Carvalho, T. Collinson, B. Erinosho, M. Fabinyi, S. Febrica, W.N. Forbi, S.M. Garcia, D. Goad, L. Goldsworthy, H. Govan, C. Heaphy, J.G. Hiddink, G. Hosch, D. Kachelriess, J. Kinch, A.M.S.N. Lancaster, F. Le Manach, T. Matthews, A. Medellín-Ortiz, A. Morgan, H. Motta, H. Murua, N. Namboothri, E. Ndiritu, K. Passfield, N.J. Pilcher, J.O. Portus, J.M. Rguez-Baron, M. Robertson, A. Sharma, C.G. Suazo, L.L. Tamini, J. Vilata-Simón, N. Mukherjee. 2024. Destructive fishing: An expert‐driven definition and exploration of this quasi‐concept. Conservation Letters,
Auster, P. and J. Cortes. 2024. Ecopic: Dinner with moray? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.2730
Selig, G.M., J.C. Drazen, P.J. Auster, B.C. Mundy. and C.D. Kelley. 2023. Distribution and structure of deep-sea demersal fish assemblages across the central and western Pacific Ocean using data from undersea imagery. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1219368. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.
Auster, P.J. 2023. Variation in group hunting strategies by cornetfish on two Red Sea reefs. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 40:70-73. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8419557.
Mercaldo-Allen, R., Auster, P.J., Clark, P., Dixon, M., Estela, E., Liu Y., Milke, L., Phillips, G., Redman, D., Smith, B., Verkade, A., and Rose, J.M.. 2023. Oyster aquaculture cages provide fish habitat similar to natural structure with minimal differences based on farm location. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1058709. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1058709
Kaufman, L., W.F. Precht, P. Auster, and P. W. Glynn. 2023. Breathing new life into Florida’s coral reef. Reef Encounter, 38(2):10-11.
ICES (Alibert-Deprez, C., M. Angibaud, H. Már Ásgeirsson, P. Auster, and 29 additional authors). 2022. Benchmark Workshop on the occurrence and protection of VMEs (vulnerable marine ecosystems) (WKVMEBM). ICES Scientific Reports. 4:55. 99 pp.
Farr, E.R., Johnson, M.R., Nelson, M.W., Hare, J.A., Morrison, W.E., Lettrich, M.D., Vogt, B., Meaney, C., Howson, U.A., Auster, P.J. and Borsuk, F.A., 2021. An assessment of marine, estuarine, and riverine habitat vulnerability to climate change in the Northeast US. PLoS ONE, 16(12), p.e0260654.
Mercaldo-Allen, R., P. Clark, Y. Liu, G. Phillips, D. Redman, P.J. Auster, E. Estela, L. Milke, A. Verkade, J.M. Rose. 2021. Exploring video and eDNA metabarcoding methods to assess oyster aquaculture cages as fish habitat. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13:277-294.
Redfern, J.V., K.A. Kryc, L. Weiss, B.C. Hodge, O. O’Brien, S.D. Kraus, E. Quintana-Rizzo and P.J. Auster. 2021. Opening a marine monument to commercial fishing compromises ecosystem protections. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:645314. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.645314.
Watling, L and P.J. Auster. 2021. Vulnerable marine ecosystems, communities, and indicator species: confusing concepts for conservation of seamounts. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:622586. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.622586
Auster, P.J. and L. Giacalone. 2021. Virtual reality camera technology facilitates sampling of interactions between reef piscivores and prey. Marine Technology Society Journal 55(2):54-63.
Levin, L.A., P. Auster, M.R. Clark, J.M. Hall-Spencer, R. Hopcroft, J. Ingels, A. Metaxas, B. Narayanaswamy, J.T. Tuhumwire, M. Yasuhara. 2021. Continental slopes and submarine canyons. Chapter 7J, p. 395-420, in: The Second World Ocean Assessment, World Ocean Assessment II. United Nations, New York.
Cau, A., A. Mercier, D. Moccia, and P.J. Auster. 2020. The nursery role of marine animal forests. Chapter 10. pp. 309-331, in: S. Rossi and L. Bramanti (editors) Perspectives on the Marine Animal Forests of the World. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Lapointe, A.E., L. Watling, S.C. France and P.J. Auster. 2020. Megabenthic assemblages in the lower bathyal (700 – 3000 m) on the New England and Corner Rise Seamounts, Northwest Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers. 103366
Hartill, E.C., R.G. Waller and P.J. Auster. 2020. Deep coral habitats of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0236945.
Auster, P.J., B. Wikgren, M.P. McKee and S.D. Kraus. 2020. A scientific basis for designation of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:566. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00566
Auster, P.J., F. Campanella, R. Kurth, R.C. Muñoz, and J.C. Taylor. 2020. Identifying habitat associations of sea turtles within an area of offshore sub-tropical reefs (NW Atlantic). Southeastern Naturalist 19:460-471.
Auster, P.J., K. Cantwell, D. Grubbs and S. Hoy. 2020. Observations of deep-sea sharks and associated species at a large food fall on the continental margin off South Carolina, USA (NW Atlantic). Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation 35:48-53.
Staudinger, M., H. Goyert, J. Suca, K. Coleman, L. Welch, J.K. Llopiz, D. Wiley, I. Altman, A. Applegate, P. Auster, H. Baumann, J. Beaty, D. Boelke, L. Kaufman, P. Loring, J. Moxley, S. Paton, K. Powers, D. Richardson, J. Robbins, J. Runge, B. Smith, C. Spiege and H. Steinmetz. 2020. The role of Ammodytes in the Northwest Atlantic Ecosystem: A synthesis of current knowledge with implications for conservation and management. Fish and Fisheries 21:522-556.
Auster, P.J., J. Lindholm, J. Pereira, S. Fangman, H. Bolton, A. Cramer, L. Jensen and J. Moye. 2020. Preliminary results assessing movement patterns of select demersal piscivores at the sub-tropical reefs of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (northwest Atlantic, Carolinian province). p. 98-114, in: K.W. Roberson, P.J. Auster, S. Fangman and M. Harvey (eds). Review of Scientific Research in and around the Designated Research Area of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-20-08.
Campanella, F., P.J. Auster, C. Taylor, R. Muñoz ad D. Fribance. 2020. Patterns of predator-prey co-occurrence and behavioral interactions over diel periods at sub-tropical reefs: results from 2016 observations. p. 86-97, in: K.W. Roberson, P.J. Auster, S. Fangman and M. Harvey (eds). Review of Scientific Research in and around the Designated Research Area of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-20-08.
Gabriel, S. and P.J. Auster. 2020. Assessing the presence of halo predators at sub-tropical reefs. p. 122-132, in: K.W. Roberson, P.J. Auster, S. Fangman and M. Harvey (eds). Review of Scientific Research in and around the Designated Research Area of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-20-08.
Gabriel, S., P.J. Auster and L. Kracker. 2020. Assessing patterns of prey fish abundance and patchiness at live-bottom reefs using hydroacoustics, 2011-2013. p. 77-85, in: K.W. Roberson, P.J. Auster, S. Fangman and M. Harvey (eds). Review of Scientific Research in and around the Designated Research Area of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-20-08.
Zajac, R.N. L.M. Stefaniak, I. Babb, C.W. Conroy, S. Penna, D. Chadi, and P.J. Auster. 2020. An integrated seafloor habitat map to inform marine spatial planning and management: a case study from Long Island Sound (Northwest Atlantic). p. 199-217 in: P.T. Harris and E.K. Baker (editors), Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, Second Edition. Elsevier Inc., Amsterdam.
Auster, P.J., J. Cortes, J.J. Alvarado, and A. Beita-Jimenez. 2019. Coordinated hunting behaviors of mixed species groups of piscivores and associated species at Isla del Coco National Park (Eastern Tropical Pacific). Neotropical Ichthyology 17, e180165.
Auster, P.J. and C.W. Conroy. 2019. Time-series patterns and dynamics of species richness, diversity, and community composition of fishes at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (1970-2017). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-19-04. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD. 58 pp.
Campanella, F., P.J. Auster, C. Taylor, and R. Munoz. 2019. Dynamics of predator-prey habitat use and behavioral interactions over diel periods at sub-tropical reefs. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0211886.
Fountain, C.T., R.G. Waller, and P.J. Auster. 2019. Individual and population level variation in the reproductive potential of deep-sea corals from different habitats within the Gulf of Maine region. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:172. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00172
Sánchez-Jiménez, A., B. Naranjo-Elizondo, A. Rodríguez-Arrieta, A.J. Quesada, S. Blum, J.E. McCosker, D.R. Robertson, P.J. Auster & J. Cortés. 2018. Updated catalogue of bony fishes observed in deep waters at Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, Costa Rica (Eastern Tropical Pacific). Revista de Biología Tropical/International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation 66 (Supplement 5): S1-S113.
Koslow, J.A., P. Auster, O.A. Bergstad, J.M. Roberts, A. Rogers, M. Vecchione, P. Harris, J, Rice and P. Bernal. 2017. Biological communities on seamounts and other submarine features potentially threatened by disturbance. Chapter 51, p. 899-911, In: L. Inniss and A. Simcock (Joint Coordinators). The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment, World Ocean Assessment I. United Nations, New York. Cambridge University Press.
Watling, L. and P.J. Auster. 2017. Opinion: Seamounts on the high seas should be managed as vulnerable marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:14. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00014.
Auster, P., A. Sánchez-Jiménez, A. Rodríguez-Arrieta, A. Quesada, C. Pérez, B. Naranjo-Elizondo, S. Blum & J. Cortés. 2016. Facilitative behavioral interactions between deepwater piscivores at Isla de Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical/International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 64 (Suppl 1):187-196.
Howell, P., J. Pereira, E. Schultz and P.J. Auster. 2016. Habitat use in a depleted population of winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus:Â Insights into impediments to population recovery. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145:1208-1222.
Quattrini, A.M., M.S. Nizinski, J.D. Chaytor, A.W.J. Demopoulos, E.B. Roark, S.C. France, J.A. Moore, T.P. Heyl, P.J. Auster, B. Kinlan, C. Ruppel, K. Elliott, B. Kennedy, E. Loebecker, A. Skarke and T.M. Shank. 2015. Exploration of the canyon incised continental margin of the northeastern United States reveals dynamic habitats and diverse communities. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139904.
Landi, A.A., J.C. Vokoun, P. Howell, P.Auster. 2015. Resource selection of spawning horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) along a complex coastline: using field surveys and geospatial analyses to predict use of habitat patches. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 25:380-395.
Stefaniak, L.M., P.J. Auster and I.G. Babb. 2014. Loss of an erect sponge on a rock reef in Long Island Sound (northwest Atlantic). Marine Biodiversity Records 7(e115):1-6. doi:10.1017/S1755267214001109.
Cook, R.R. and P.J. Auster. 2014. Potential applications of simulated annealing to multi-species fish habitat conservation in the Gulf of Maine. Chapter 9, p. 221-241 in: M. de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki and T. de Castro Martins (eds.), Simulated Annealing: Strategies, Potential Uses and Advantages. Nova Science Publishers.
Pereira, J., E. Schultz and P. Auster. 2014. Geospatial analysis of habitat use by silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) in the Gulf of Maine. Endangered Species Research 23:219-227.
Kilgour, M.J., P.J. Auster, D. Packer, M. Purcell, M. Dessner, A. Sherrell and D. Rissolo. 2014. Use of AUVs to inform management of deep sea corals. Marine Technology Society Journal 48(1):21-27.
Travis, J., F.C. Coleman, P.J. Auster, P.M. Cury, J.A. Estes, J. Orensanz, C.H. Peterson, M.E. Power, R.S. Steneck, J.T. Wootton. 2014. Integrating the invisible fabric of nature into fisheries management. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111:581-584.
Auster, P.J., M. Kilgour, D. Packer, R. Waller, S. Auscavitch and L. Watling. 2013. Octocoral gardens in the Gulf of Maine (NW Atlantic). Biodiversity 14:193-194.
Auster, P.J., M. Kilgour, D. Packer and L. Watling. 2013. Supplementary Comment: Conservation of deep-sea corals off the northeast United States. Biodiversity 14:195.
Cook, R.R. and P.J. Auster. 2013. The biodiversity value of marine protected areas designed for multi-species fishery management in the Gulf of Maine. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23: 429-440.
Price, V.E., P.J. Auster and L. Kracker. 2013. Use of high resolution DIDSON sonar to quantify attributes of predation at ecologically relevant space and time scales. Marine Technology Society Journal 47(1):33-46.
Auster, P.J., L. Kracker, V. Price, E. Heupel, G. McFall and D. Grenda. 2013. Behavior webs of piscivores at subtropical live-bottom reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 89:377-396.
Link, J.S. and P.J. Auster. 2013. The challenges of evaluating competition among marine fishes: who cares, when does it matter, and what can one do about it? Bulletin of Marine Science 89:213-247.
Auster, P.J., J.A. Estes and F.C. Coleman. 2013. Species interactions in marine communities: the invisible fabric of nature. Bulletin of Marine Science 89:3-9.
Heupel, E. and P.J. Auster. 2013. Eco-labeling seafood: addressing impacts to vulnerable seafloor species, communities, habitats and ecosystems in data-poor regions. Marine Policy 38:8-15.
Hare. J.A., J. Manderson, J. Nye, M. Alexander, P.J. Auster, D. Borggaard, A. Capotondi, K. Damon-Randall, E. Heupel, I. Mateo, L. O’Brien, D. Richardson, C. Stock and S.T. Biegel. 2012. Cusk (Brosme brosme) and climate change: assessing the threat to a candidate species under the Endangered Species Act. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69:1753-1768.
Pereira, J.J., E.T. Schultz and P.J. Auster. 2012. Geospatial analysis of habitat use in yellowtail flounder Limanda ferruginea on Georges Bank. Marine Ecology Progress Series 468:279-290.
Heinonen, K. and P.J. Auster. 2012. Prey selection in crustacean-eating fishes following the invasion of the Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus in a marine temperate community. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 413:177-183.
Howell, P. and P.J. Auster. 2012. Regime shift in the finfish community of a Northwest Atlantic estuary associated with changes in thermal regime. Coastal and Marine Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 4:481-495.
Auster, P., D. Grenda, J. Godfrey, E. Heupel, S. Auscavitch and J. Mangiafico. 2011. Behavioral observations of Lilliputian piscivores: young-of-year Sphyraena barracuda at offshore sub-tropical reefs (NW Atlantic Ocean). Southeastern Naturalist 10:563-569.
Auster, P.J., K.B. Heinonen, L. Watling, C. Parrish-Kuhn and J. Lindholm. 2011. A rare deepwater anemone and its associates in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Gulf of Maine, NW Atlantic). Marine Biodiversity Records 4(e19):1-4.
Auster, P. J., Gjerde, K., Heupel, E., Watling, L., Grehan, A., and Rogers, A. D. 2011. Definition and detection of vulnerable marine ecosystems on the high seas: problems with the move-on rule. ICES Journal of Marine Science 68:254-264.
Tamsett, A., K. Heinonen, P.J. Auster and J. Lindholm. 2010. Dynamics of hard substratum communities inside and outside of a fisheries closed area in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Gulf of Maine, NW Atlantic). Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-10-05. 53 pp.
Kelly, N.E., E.K. Shea, A. Metaxas, R.L. Haedrich and P. Auster. 2010. Biodiversity of the deep-sea continental margin bordering the Gulf of Maine (NW Atlantic): relationships among sub-regions and to shelf systems. PLoS ONE 5(11): e13832.
Kuo, C-Y., P.J. Auster and J. Parent. 2010. Variation in planning-unit size and patterns of fish diversity: implications for design of marine protected areas. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-10-03. 52 pp.
Semmens, B.X., P.J. Auster and M.J. Paddack. 2010. Using ecological null models to assess the potential for marine protected area networks to protect biodiversity. PLoS ONE 5(1): e8895.
Auster, P.J. and J.S. Link. 2009. Compensation and recovery of feeding guilds in a northwest Atlantic shelf fish community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 382:163-172.
Auster, P.J., J. Godfrey, A. Watson, A. Paquette and G. McFall. 2009. Behavior of prey links midwater and demersal piscivorous reef fishes. Neotropical Ichthyology 7:109-112.
Moore, J.A. and P.J. Auster. 2009. Commensalism between juvenile cusk eels and pancake urchins on western North Atlantic seamounts. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 50:381-386.
Auster, P.J., K.B. Heinonen, C. Witharana and M. McKee. 2009. A habitat classification scheme for the Long Island Sound region. Long Island Sound Study Technical Report. EPA Long Island Sound Office, Stamford, Connecticut 06904. 83 p.
Auster, P.J. and J. Lindholm. 2008. Variation in social foraging by fishes across a coral reef landscape. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 1:286-290.
Auster, P.J., R. Fujita, S.R. Kellert, J. Avise, C. Campagna, B. Cuker, P. Dayton, B. Heneman, R. Kenchington, G. Stone, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara and P. Glynn. 2008. Developing an ocean ethic: science, utility, aesthetics, self-interest and different ways of knowing. Conservation Biology 23:233-235.
Auster, P.J. 2008. Predation strategies of Atlantic trumpetfish in midwater. Neotropical Ichthyology 6:289-292.
Stoner, A.W., C.H. Ryer, S.J. Parker, P.J. Auster and W.W. Wakefield. 2008. Evaluating the role of fish behavior in surveys conducted with underwater vehicles. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:1230-1243.
Auster, P.J. 2008. Variation in search and predatory attack behaviors of shark mackerel Grammatorcynus bicarinatus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88:847-849.
Moore, J., P. Auster, D. Calini, K. Heinonen, K. Barber and B. Hecker. 2008. The false boarfish Neocyttus helgae in the western North Atlantic. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 49:31-41.
Auster, P., J. Lindholm, M. Plourde, K. Barber and H. Singh. 2007. Camera configuration and use of AUVs to census mobile fauna. Marine Technology Society Journal 41(3):15-18.
Waller, R., L. Watling, P. Auster and T. Shank. 2007. Anthropogenic impacts on the Corner Rise Seamounts, NW Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 87:1075-1076.
Auster, P.J. 2007. Linking deepwater corals and fish populations. Bulletin of Marine Science 81(Supplement 1):93-99.
Lindholm, J., P.J. Auster, and A. Knight. 2007. Site fidelity and movement of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) at deep boulder reefs in the western Gulf of Maine. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 342: 239-247.
Cook, R. and P. Auster. 2007. A bioregional classification for the continental shelf of northeastern North America for conservation analysis and planning based on representation. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series NMSP-07-03. 14 pp.
Auster, P.J., R. Clark and R.E.S. Reed. 2006. Chapter 3. Marine fishes. p. 89-229 in: An Ecological Characterization of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region: Oceanographic, Biogeographic, and Contaminants Assessment. National Center for Coastal Ocean Science, NOAA, Silver Spring, Maryland. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 45.
Cook, R. and P. Auster. 2006. Developing alternatives for optimal representation of seafloor habitats and associated communities in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-06-02. 24 pp.
Auster, P.J. and K. Barber. 2006. Atlantic hagfish exploit prey captured by other taxa. Journal of Fish Biology. 68:618-621.
Auster, P.J., B. Semmens, and K. Barber. 2005. Pattern in the co-occurrences of fishes inhabiting the coral reefs of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 74:187-194.
Link, J., F. Almeida, P. Valentine, P. Auster, R. Reid, and J. Vitalano. 2005. The effects of area closures on Georges Bank. American Fisheries Society Symposium. 41:345-368.
Cook, R.R. and P.J. Auster. 2005. Use of simulated annealing for identifying essential fish habitat in a multi-species context. Conservation Biology 19:876-886.
Auster, P.J. 2005. Are deep-water corals important habitats for fishes? p. 747-760. In: A. Freiwald and J.M. Roberts (eds.) Cold-water Corals and Ecosystems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Watling, L. and P.J. Auster. 2005. Distribution of deepwater alcyonacea off the northeast coast of the United States. p. 279-296. In: A. Freiwald and J.M. Roberts (eds.) Cold-water Corals and Ecosystems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Auster, P.J., J. Moore, K. Heinonen, and L. Watling. 2005. A habitat classification scheme for seamount landscapes: assessing the functional role of deepwater corals as fish habitat. p. 761-769. In: A. Freiwald and J.M. Roberts (eds.) Cold-water Corals and Ecosystems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Lindholm, J., P. Auster, and P. Valentine. 2004. Role of a large marine protected area for conserving landscape attributes of sand habitats on Georges Bank (Northwest Atlantic). Marine Ecology Progress Series 269:61-68.
Auster, P.J., J. Lindholm, and P.C. Valentine. 2003. Variation in habitat use by juvenile Acadian redfish, Sebastes fasciatus. Environmental Biology of Fishes 68:381-389.
Auster, P.J., J. Lindholm, S. Schaub, G. Funnell, L.S. Kaufman, and P.C. Valentine. 2003. Use of sand wave habitats by silver hake. Journal of Fish Biology 62:143-152.
Lindholm, J. and P. Auster. 2003. Site utilization by Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in offshore gravel habitat as determined by acoustic telemetry: implications for the design of marine reserves. Marine Technology Society Journal 37(1):27-34.
Auster, P.J. 2002. Representation of biological diversity of the Gulf of Maine region at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Northwest Atlantic): patterns of fish diversity and assemblage composition. p. 1096-1125. Managing Protected Areas in a Changing World. S. Bondrup-Nielson et al. (eds.). Science and Management of Protected Areas Association, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
NRC. 2002. Effects of Trawling and Dredging on Seafloor Habitat. National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. (co-author with 11 other panel members)
Auster, P.J. and J. Lindholm. 2002. Pattern in the local diversity of coral reef fishes versus rates of social foraging. Caribbean Journal of Science 38:263-266.
Lindholm, J.B., P.J. Auster, M. Ruth, and L. Kaufman. 2001. Juvenile fish responses to variations in seafloor habitats: modeling the effects of fishing and implications for the design of marine protected areas.Conservation Biology 15:424-437.
Auster, P.J., K. Joy, and P.C. Valentine. 2001. Fish species and community distributions as proxies for seafloor habitat distributions: the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary example (Northwest Atlantic, Gulf of Maine). Environmental Biology of Fishes 60:331-346.
Auster, P.J. 2001. Defining thresholds for precautionary habitat management actions in a fisheries context.North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:1-9.
Auster, P.J. and N.L. Shackell. 2000. Marine protected areas for the temperate and boreal Northwest Atlantic: the potential for sustainable fisheries and conservation of biodiversity. Northeastern Naturalist 7:419-434.
Auster, P.J., and R.W. Langton. 1999. The effects of fishing on fish habitat. p. 150-187. In: L. Benaka (ed.).Fish Habitat: Essential Fish Habitat and Rehabilitation. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
Lindholm, J., P.J. Auster, and L. Kaufman. 1999. Habitat mediated survivorship of 0-year Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Marine Ecology Progress Series 180:247-255.
Freese, L., P.J. Auster, J. Heifetz, and B.L. Wing. 1999. Effects of trawling on seafloor habitat and associated invertebrate taxa in the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series 182:119-126.
Moser, M.L., P.J. Auster and J.B. Bichy. 1998. Effects of mat morphology on large Sargassum-associated fishes: Observations from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and free-floating video camcorders.Environmental Biology of Fishes 51:391-398.
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