Julie Granger
(Ph.D., University of British Columbia) Professor of Marine Sciences
Research Projects
Physio-ecology of marine plankton: N nutrition and N isotope fractionation –
Nitrate N and O isotope effects of a eukaryotic nitrate reductases in vitro –
Nitrogen biogeochemistry of the eastern Bering Sea shelf –
Nitrate isotope dynamics in the Arctic Ocean –
Oceanography Students
Michael Mathuri – M.Sc. Student
Veronica Rollinson – M.Sc. Student
Mengyang Zhou – Ph.D. Student
Oceanography Alumni
Danielle Boshers – M.Sc. 2017
Rich Dabundo – M.Sc. 2014
Lija Treibergs – M.Sc. 2015
Granger, J., M. G. Prokopenko, D. M. Sigman, C. W. Mordy, Z. M. Morse, L. V. Morales, R. N. Sambrotto, and B. Plessen (2011), Coupled nitrification-denitrification in sediment of the eastern Bering Sea shelf leads to 15N enrichment of fixed N in shelf waters, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C11006, doi:10.1029/2010JC006751.
Prokopenko M. G., O. M. Pauluis, J. Granger, L. Y. Yeung (2011), Exact evaluation of primary production from the oxygen triple-isotope composition of O2: implications for the net-to-gross photosynthetic production ratios. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L14603, doi:10.1029/2011GL047652.
Granger, J., D. M. Sigman, M. M. Rohde, M. T. Maldonado, and P. D. Tortell (2010), N and O isotope effects during nitrate assimilation by unicellular prokaryotic and eukaryotic plankton cultures, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(3), 1030-1040.
Granger, J., and D. M. Sigman (2009), Removal of nitrite with sulfamic acid for nitrate N and O isotope analysis with the denitrifier method, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23(23), 3753-3762.
Granger, J., D. M. Sigman, M. F. Lehmann, and P. D. Tortell (2008), Nitrogen and oxygen isotope fractionation during dissimilatory nitrate reduction by denitrifying bacteria, Limnology and Oceanography, 53(6), 2533-2545.
Lehmann, M. F., D. M. Sigman, D. C. McCorkle, J. Granger, S. Hoffmann, G. Cane, and B. G. Brunelle (2007), The distribution of nitrate N-15/N-14 in marine sediments and the impact of benthic nitrogen loss on the isotopic composition of oceanic nitrate, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(22), 5384-5404.
Granger, J., D. M. Sigman, M. G. Prokopenko, M. F. Lehmann, and P. D. Tortell (2006), A method for nitrite removal in nitrate N and O isotope analyses, Limnology and Oceanography-Methods, 4, 205-212.
Sigman, D. M., J. Granger, P. J. DiFiore, M. M. Lehmann, R. Ho, G. Cane, and A. van Geen (2005), Coupled nitrogen and oxygen isotope measurements of nitrate along the eastern North Pacific margin, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19(4):Â GB4022.
Ward, B. B., J. Granger, M. T. Maldonado, K. L. Casciotti, S. Harris, and M. L. Wells (2005), Denitrification in the hypolimnion of permanently ice-covered Lake Bonney, Antarctica, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 38(3), 295-307.
Armstrong, E., J. Granger, E. L. Mann, and N. M. Price (2004), Outer-membrane siderophore receptors of heterotrophic oceanic bacteria, Limnology and Oceanography, 49(2), 579-587.
Granger, J., D. M. Sigman, J. A. Needoba, and P. J. Harrison (2004), Coupled nitrogen and oxygen isotope fractionation of nitrate during assimilation by cultures of marine phytoplankton, Limnology and Oceanography, 49(5), 1763-1773.
Granger, J., and B. B. Ward (2003), Accumulation of nitrogen oxides in copper-limited cultures of denitrifying bacteria, Limnology and Oceanography, 48(1), 313-318.
Ward, B. B., J. Granger, M. T. Maldonado, and M. L. Wells (2003), What limits bacterial production in the suboxic region of permanently ice-covered Lake Bonney, Antarctica?, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 31(1), 33-47.
Granger, J., and N. M. Price (1999), The importance of siderophores in iron nutrition of heterotrophic marine bacteria, Limnology and Oceanography, 44(3), 541-555.
Tortell, P. D., M. T. Maldonado, J. Granger, and N. M. Price (1999), Marine bacteria and biogeochemical cycling of iron in the oceans, Fems Microbiology Ecology, 29(1), 1-11.

julie.granger@uconn.edu | |
Phone | 860-405-9094 |
Fax | 860-405-9153 |
Link | https://www.granger-lab.com/ |