Annelie Skoog
(Ph.D., University of Göteborg, Sweden) Associate Professor of Marine Sciences
Active research projects:
- Organic geochemistry of a hydrothermal system
- Effects of particle aggregation on organic chemical speciation and cycling
- Cycling of styrene in coastal environments
- The effect of anoxia on organic-matter fluxes from sediments to overlying water.
- Developing method for low-molecular-weight organic acids
- Organic matter cycling in the Arctic
At present, I supervise four graduate students: Alejandro Arias, Tzong-Yueh Chen, Eric Miller, and Elisabeth Svensson. Alejandro works on the effect of anoxia on organic-matter fluxes from sediments to overlying water, Yzong-Yueh works on effects of particle aggregation on organic chemical speciation and cycling, Eric works on cycling of styrene in coastal environments, and Elisabeth works on two projects: organic geochemistry of a hydrothermal system and developing a method for low-molecular-weight organic acids.Below you will find the graduate classes I teach at Avery Point. I also teach the undergraduate class MARN170 Introduction to Oceanography at the Storrs campus.
Since I am a new faculty member, my graduate classes do not yet have regular class codes, but are called 410s. The different professors that teach 410s have different section numbers. If you want to take one of my graduate classes you would sign up for a 410, my section number. Unfortunately, the section numbers vary between semesters. Contact me to get my section number.
If you are an undergraduate and want to take one of my graduate classes, read the syllabus, contact me and we can discuss if you have the appropriate background.
Research Projects
Hydroxyl radicals in marine sediments – National Science Foundation
Cavitation-induced organic matter modifications in marine surface waters. – National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Aqueous organic compounds in shallow marine hydrothermal systems: a frame work for investigating heterotrophy at high temperatures. – National Science Foundation
Oceanography Alumni
Victor Alejandro Arias-Esquivel – Ph.D. 2012
Tzong-Yueh (Max) Chen – Ph.D. 2012
Ashley Phillips – M.Sc. 2015
Elisabeth Svensson – M.Sc. 2010
2003, Skoog M., Wedborg M., Lara R., Kattner G. Spring-cycling of organic matter in a system encompassing the Northeast Water Polynya. Submitted to Marine Chemistry.
2003, Skoog A., Alldredge A., Passow U., Dunne J., Murray J. Neutral aldoses in diagenesis and aggregation of organic matter in the upper water column. Submitted to Limnology and Oceanography.
2003, Skoog A., Vlahos P., Amend J. Concentration and distribution of dissolved neutral aldoses in a shallow hydrothermal vent system of Vulcano, Italy. Submitted to Marine Chemistry.
2003, Svensson E., Skoog A., Amend J. Concentration and distribution of dissolved amino acids in a shallow hydrothermal vent system of Vulcano, Italy. Submitted to Organic Geochemistry.
2003, Lamborg C., Fitzgerald W., Skoog A., Visscher P. The abundance and source of Mercury-Binding Ligands in Long Island Sound. In press Marine Chemistry
2002, Skoog A., Whitehead K., F. Sperling. Junge, K. Microbial glucose-uptake and growth along a horizontal nutrient gradient in the North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography 47(6): 1676-1683.
2001, Skoog A., Lara R.J., Wedborg M., Kattner G. Spring-summer cycling of DOC, DON and inorganic N in a highly seasonal system encompassing the Northeast Water Polynya, 1993. Deep-Sea Research.48:2613-2629
2000, Burdige D.J., Skoog A., Gardner K. Dissolved and particulate carbohydrates in estuarine and continental margin sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 64(6):1029-1041.
1999, Skoog A., Biddanda B., and Benner R. Glucose flux in the upper water column of the Gulf of Mexico: contribution to heterotrophic bacterial production. Limnology and Oceanography 44(7):1625-1633.
1999, Daly K.L., Wallace D.W.R., Smith W.O., Skoog A., Lara R., Gosselin M., Falck E., Yager P. Non-Redfield carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Arctic: Effects of ecosystem structure and dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans. 104(C2):3185-3199.
1998, Wedborg M., Hoppema M., Skoog A. On the relation between organic and inorganic carbon in the Weddell Sea. Journal of Marine Systems 17: 59-76.
1998, Skoog A., Benner R. Aldoses in various size fractions of marine organic matter: implications for carbon cycling. Limnology and Oceanography, 42(8):1803-1813.
1998, Lara R.J., Rachold V., Kattner G., Hubberten H.W., Guggenberger G., Skoog A, Thomas D. Dissolved organic matter and nutrients in the Lena River, Siberian Arctic: Characteristics and distribution. Marine Chemistry 59 (3-4), 301-309.
1997, Skoog A., Thomas D.N., Lara R.J. Methodological investigations on DOC determinations by the HTCO method. Marine Chemistry 56:39-44.
1996, Skoog A., Wedborg M., Fogelqvist E. Photobleaching of humic substance fluorescence and relation to DOC in the Baltic Sea. Marine Chemistry 55:333-345.
1996, Skoog A., Hall P.O.J., Hulth S., Paxeus N., Rutgers van der Loeff M., Westerlund S. Early diagenetic mobilization and sediment – water exchange of dissolved humic substances in the coastal environment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60(19):3619-3629.
1996, Skoog A., Wedborg M. Fluorescence and TOC as water mass tracers in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. In Humic substances and organic matter in soil and water environments: Characterization, transformation and interactions. Eds. C.E. Clapp, M.H.B. Hayes, N. Senesi and S.M. Griffith. Published by the International Humic Substances Society Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota.
1995, Thomas D.N., Lara R.J., Eicken H., Kattner G., Skoog A. Dissolved organic matter in Arctic multi-year sea ice during winter: major components and relationship to ice characteristics. Polar Biology (15):477-483.
1994, Anderson L., Olson K., Skoog A. Distribution of dissolved inorganic and organic carbon in the Eurasian basin of the Arctic Ocean. In: The Polar Oceans and their role in shaping the global environment, eds R. Muench and O.M. Johannessen, pp. 255-262, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
1994, Wedborg M., Skoog A., Fogelqvist E. Organic carbon and humic substances in the Baltic Sea, the Kattegatt and the Skagerrack. In: Humic substances in the global environment, eds N. Senesi and T.M. Miano. Elsevier.
1993, Haraldsson C., Lyven B., Pollak M., Skoog A. Multi-element speciation of trace-metals in fresh water, adapted to plasma source mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta 284; 327-335. | |
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