Graduate Financial Aid

Most of our graduate students are supported by departmental funds through research and teaching assistantships or by external research grants awarded to faculty. Students supported by research grants and contracts obtained by faculty members work on a specific project related to the grant. All students must pay several University fees.


For the 2024-2025 academic year, nine-month rates (20 hours per week), which is considered full time, include:

  • Graduate assistants with a bachelor's degree: $27,763.
  • Doctoral students with a master's degree or equivalent: $29,214.
  • Doctoral students who have passed their general examination: $32,480.

Many students receive additional funding for the summer months from their major advisor. Fellowships are available, and exceptional applicants can be nominated for funding through several special programs. All assistantships carry a full tuition waiver and offer of subsidized health and dental benefits.

Questions About Financial Aid?

Visit UConn's Office of Student Financial Aid Services website for information about eligibility, loans, scholarships, and more.

Additional Opportunities

We also encourage you to apply for graduate school fellowships awarded by federal and private agencies (e.g., National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Naval Research). These fellowships are highly competitive, and if awarded, your acceptance into the Department is almost guaranteed.