Student (Last, first name) |
Degree |
Year |
Advisor |
Thesis title and link, if available |
Altman, Safra | MS | 2003 | Whitlatch, Robert | Space Invaders: The Effect of Small-Scale Disturbance on Invasion Success in Marine Communities |
Arias Esquivel, V. Alejandro | MS | 2006 | Skoog, Annelie | The effect of Oxygen Concentrations on Fluxes over the Sediment-Water Interface of Dissolved Organic Matter, Nutrients, Iron, and Manganese |
Arias Esquivel, V. Alejandro | PhD | 2012 | Skoog, Annelie | Hydroxyl Radicals in Marine Sediments |
Ariyarathna, Thivanka | PhD | 2016 | Vlahos, Penny | Sorption and Metabolism of Explosives in Sediment of Coastal Marine Ecosystems |
Aurin, Dirk | PhD | 2010 | Dierssen, Heidi | Developing Ocean Color Remote Sensing Algorithms for Retrieving Optical Properties and Biogeochemical Parameters in the Optically Complex Waters of Long Island Sound |
Ballentine, Mark | PhD | 2017 | Tobias, Craig | Coastal Ecosystem Processing of Nitrogen Rich High Explosives |
Barber, Kimberly | MS | 2007 | Auster, Peter | Social Foraging Interactions In Coral Reef Fishes |
Barrett, Lauren | PhD | 2024 | Vlahos, Penny | Carbon and Oxygen Dynamics in Productive Coastal Ecosystems: From the Remote Arctic to Metropolitan Temperate Zones |
Batoh, Christina | PhD | 2012 | Dam, Hans | Grazer-Induced Toxin Production in the Dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense: Cues, Merchanisms, and Cost |
Batta Lona, Paola | MS | 2005 | Lin, Senjie | Isolation and Characterization of PCNA Gene from Emiliania huxleyi: Search for a Molecular Marker to Measure in situ Cell Division Rate |
Batta Lona, Paola | PhD | 2014 | Bucklin, Ann | Environmental Genomics and Transcriptomics of Salpa thompsoni and Population Genetic Variation of Euphausia superba in the Southern Ocean |
Bauman, Johanna | MS | 2000 | Visscher, Pieter | Stress Protein Production in Response To Environmental Stressors in the Bay Scallop, Argopecten irradians |
Baumgartner, Laura | PhD | 2006 | Visscher, Pieter | Diversity and Lithification in Microbial Mats and Stromatolites |
Bean, John | MS | 2005 | Torgersen, Thomas | Effective Vertical Diffusivity in Shallow Lakes by an Enhanced Flux-gradient Method: The Dependence of Diffusivity on Density Gradient and an Example Application to Ecosystem Stability |
Benoit, Janina | MS | 1990 | Torgersen, Thomas | Infaunal Fluid/Particle Transport in Marine Sediments: Models and Applications |
Berger, Halle | MS | 2020 | Matassa, Catherine and Siedlecki, Samantha | A Regional Vulnerability Assessment for the Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister) to Changing Ocean Conditions: Insights From Model Projections and Empirical Experiments |
Blanusa, Mackenzie | MS | 2024 | Rocha, Cesar | Tropical Submesoscale Dynamics as Inferred From an Array of Saildrones |
Boshers, Danielle | MS | 2017 | Granger, Julie | Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Nitrate Produced by Freshwater Nitrification |
Bostrom, Kelley | MS | 2011 | Dierssen, Heidi | Testing the Limits of Hyperspectral Airborne Remote Sensing by Mapping Eelgrass in Elkhorn Slough |
Branco, Alison | PhD | 2007 | Kremer, James | Empirical Methods for the Prediction of Optical Properties in Shallow Estuaries |
Branco, Brett | PhD | 2007 | Torgersen, Thomas | Coupled Physical and Biogeochemical Dynamics in Shallow Aquatic Systems: Observations, Theory and Models |
Brown, Laura | MS | 1992 | Buck, John | A Nutritional and Microbiological Study of Captive Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) |
Buonassissi, Christopher | MS | 2009 | Dierssen, Heidi | A Regional Comparison of Particle Size Distribution by Laser Diffraction |
Burris, Zair | PhD | 2014 | Dam, Hans | Mating Dynamics of the Calanoid Copepods Acartia tonsa and Acartia hudsonica |
Butler, Mari | MS | 1993 | Dam, Hans | Fecal Pellet Prodution Rates and Fecal Pellet Characteristics of the Copepod Acartia tonsa Under Simulated Bloom Conditions |
Byrd, Allison | MS | 2019 | Vlahos, Penny | Tidally Resolved Carbon and Nutrient Exchange through Eastern Long Island Sound |
Carlson, Annette | MS | 2022 | Siedlecki, Samantha | Quantifying Interannual Variability of Shelf Nutrients and Associated Hypoxia in St. Helena Bay with New Metrics and Tools |
Chandler, Karen | MS | 1991 | Cooper, Richard | The Effects of Temperature on the Distribution of the American Lobster (Homarus americanus) on Outer Cape Cod |
Chang, Nicole | MS | 2014 | Tobias, Craig | Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics of Anammox and Denitrification in Coastal Groundwater |
Chen, Lihua | PhD | 2010 | Dam, Hans | A Molecular Approach to the Study of Saxitoxin Resistance in Copepods |
Chen, Tzong-Yueh | PhD | 2012 | Skoog, Annelie | Abiotic Aggregation of Organic Matter in Aquatic Systems: Alteration of Chemical Characteristics and Implications |
Cifuentes-Lorenzen, Alejandro | PhD | 2013 | Edson, James | The Wave Boundary Layer Over the Open Ocean and the Implications to Air-Sea Interaction |
Colin, Sean | PhD | 2002 | Dam, Hans | Determination and Characterization of Resistance by Populations of the Copepod Acartia hudsonica to the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium sp. |
Collins, Brittney | MS | 2024 | Whitney, Michael | |
Collins, Hannah | MS | 2022 | Ward, J. Evan | Examining the effects of nylon microfibers on the gut microbiome and gut tissues of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis |
Concannon,Callie | MS | 2020 | Baumann, Hannes | Whole Life-Cycle CO2 × Temperature Effects on Fecundity and Oocyte Recruitment in the Atlantic Silverside (Menidia menidia) |
Conway, Davnet | MS | 1998 | Roesler, Collin | Fluorescent Optical Properties of Two Types of Organic Material in Two Estuaries |
Cote, Melissa | MS | 2016 | Lund, David | The Driver of the Carbon Isotope Minima During the Last Deglaciation: A Weakened Biological Pump or Enhanced Southern Ocean Circulation? |
Cournoyer, Benjamin | MS | 2013 | Dam, Hans | Can Acartia spp. Adapt to Climatic Warming? Heritable within-Population Genetic Variation in Life History Traits |
Crockett, Lee | MS | 1989 | Whitlatch, Robert | Effects of Ealgrass, Zostera marina, on the Growth and Survival of the Hard Clam, Mercenaria mercenaria |
Dabundo, Richard | MS | 2014 | Granger, Julie | Nitrogen Isotopes in the Measurement of N2-Fixation and the Estimation of Denitrification in the Global Ocean |
Deangelo, Edward | MS | 1993 | Torgersen, Thomas | Quantification of Biologically Enhanced Porewater Transport During Hypoxia in Western Long Island Sound Sediments |
Deignan-Schmidt, Steven | PhD | 2019 | Whitney, Michael | An Investigation into River Water Distribution, Island Influences, and Embayment Temperatures in Long Island Sound |
deMayo, James | PhD | 2021 | Dam, Hans | Costs and Consequences of Adaptation to Combined Warming and Acidification for Two Estuarine Copepods |
Desbonnet, Alan | MS | 1989 | Whitlatch, Robert | The Effect of Size, Density, and Growth Strategy on Survival of Juvenile Surf Clams, Spisula Solidissima (Dillwyn, 1817), with a Comparison to Mercenaria Mercenaria Amd Mya Arenaria Growth Strategies |
Detlor, David | MS | 1998 | Dam, Hans | Uncoupled Production and Solubilization Of Particles From Dissolved Organic Matter |
DiMento, Brian | PhD | 2017 | Mason, Robert | An Investigation of the Major Transformations and Loss Mechanisms of Mercury and Selenium in the Surface Ocean |
Dixon, Mark | MS | 1994 | Cooper, Richard | Habitat Selection in Juvenile Tautog, Tautoga onitis, and Juvenile Cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus |
Doyle, John | PhD | 2014 | Ward, J. Evan | Ingestion, Depuration, and Potential Toxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in the Blue Mussel, Mytilus edulis, and the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica |
Drake, Patrick | MS | 2000 | Bohlen, W. Frank | A Comparison of Near-Bottom Reynolds Stress Measurement Techniques in a Highly Stratified Estuarine Flow |
Drapeau, David | MS | 1993 | Welsh, Barbara | The Vertical Distribution of Bacterio-Plankton and its Possible Relationship to Summertime Oxygen Depletion in Western Long Island Sound |
Eller, Kathryn | MS | 1991 | Cooper, Richard | Heart Tumors in the Ocean quahog, Arctica islandica, from the Northeast United States Continental Shelf: Southern New England to Norfolk Canyon |
Eller, Kathryn | PhD | 1996 | Crivello, Joseph | Metallothionein mRNA and Protein Response to Arsenite in Juvenile Winter Flounder, Pleuronectes americanus |
Elmoznino, Joanne | PhD | 2016 | Vlahos, Penny | Occurrence, Fate and Distribution Behaviors of Organic Contaminants, Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids and Phthalic Acid Esters, in Wastewater Effluent and the Housatonic River Estuary |
Erikson, Kayla | MS | 2015 | Bucklin,Ann | A Time Series Investigation of the Cryptic Copepods Pseudocalanus spp. on the NW Atlantic Continental Shelf |
Feeley, Michael | MS | 1993 | Cooper, Richard | The Distribution of Shell Disease and Analysis of Contaminant Loads in the Deep Sea Red Crab, Chaceon quinquedens, Along the Continental Slope of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic United States |
Feinberg, Leah | MS | 1998 | Dam, Hans | Effects of Dietary Diversity On Fecal Pellet Characteristics Of The Copepod Acartia tonsa |
Feinstein, Timothy | MS | 2007 | Lin, Senjie | |
Ferland, Amy | MS | 2007 | Auster, Peter | |
Finiguerra, Michael | PhD | 2013 | Dam, Hans | Determining the Role of a Novel Sodium Channel Mutation on Tolerance to Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in the Marine Copepod Acartia hudsonica |
Flynn, Kayla | MS | 2016 | Fewings, Melanie | The Causes of Regional Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies During Wind Relaxation Events Off the U.S. West Coast in Summer |
Fogarty, Michelle | PhD | 2018 | Fewings, Melanie | Air-Sea Momentum, Heat, and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Shallow Coastal Ecosystems |
Ford, Michael | MS | 2000 | Dam, Hans | Use of Video Image Analysis to Quantify Particle Aggregation |
Frank, Dana | MS | 2003 | Ward, J. Evan | Development of a Technique for Continuous Monitoring of Pallial Cavity Pressure and Valve Gape Using the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica (Gmelin, 1972) |
Frank, Dana | PhD | 2010 | Ward, J. Evan | An Experimental Approach to Elucidate Functional Mechanisms of Control of the Bivalve Pump |
Frese, Annette | MS | 1994 | Whitlatch, Robert | Effects of Resident Adult Ascidians on Larval Settlement and Post-Settlement Success |
Fribance, Diane | MS | 2008 | O’Donnell, James | |
Fribance, Diane | PhD | 2010 | O’Donnell, James | The Dynamical Circulation of a Partially Stratified, Frictional Estuary: Long Island Sound |
Fuentes Figueroa, Zamara | MS | 2007 | Visscher, Pieter | |
Fuller, Charlotte | MS | 1992 | Whitlatch, Robert | Effects of Porewater Hydrogen Sulfide on the Feeding Activity of the Subsurface Deposit-Feeding Polychaete, Clymenella Torquata, Leidy |
Gallagher, Kimberley | MS | 2008 | Visscher, Pieter | |
Gallagher, Kimberley | PhD | 2012 | Visscher, Pieter | The Roles of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in Organomineralization and Microbialite Formation: Mechanisms of Mineral Precipitation |
Gay, Peter | PhD | 2005 | O’Donnell, James | Salt Transport in Partially Mixed Estuaries |
Gichuki, Susan | PhD (Chem) | 2013 | Mason, Robert | Chemical Processes Influencing Mercury Transformations And Atmospheric Fluxes In The Atmospheric Boundary Layer In Coastal Regions |
Gladych, Rebecca | MS | 2015 | Shumway, Sandra | |
Gosnell, Kathleen | PhD | 2016 | Mason, Robert | Uptake and Trophic Transfer for Mercury and Methylmercury at the Base of Marine Food Webs |
Graham, Raymond | MS | 2021 | Edson, James | Investigation of the Moisture Budget Within the Tropics, Under the ITCZ |
Griffin, Tyler | PhD | 2024 | Ward, J. Evan | Taxonomic and Functional Profiles of Gut Microbiota from Mytilid Mussels: Dynamics Under Normal Physiological Conditions and in Response to Disturbance |
Grzywacz, Josiah | MS | 2021 | McManus, George | Quantum Efficiency (Fv/Fm) and Performance of Retained Plastids in an Oligotrich Mixotroph and Its Prey |
Guardiani, Jenay | MS | 2013 | Tobias, Craig | Water Column Carbon Dynamics in the New River Estuary, NC |
Haberlandt, Katharine | MS | 2007 | McManus, George | Strombidium stylifer, An Oligotrich Ciliate and Potential Food Source for Marine Larvae |
Hacker-Gibson, Melissa | MS | 2012 | Whitney, Michael | Physical Processes that Affect Hypoxia in the Thames River Estuary, USA |
Haley, Sheean | MS | 2002 | Dam, Hans | Toxin Dynamics in Populations of the Copepod Acartia hudsonica Resistant and Nonresistant to the Harmful Dinoflagellate, Alexandrium fundyense |
Hamilton, John | PhD | 2005 | Whitlatch, Robert | A Coupled Hydrodynamic-Larval Transport Model for Assessing Source-Sink Recruitment Dynamics in Estuarine Habitats |
Hammerschmidt, Chad | PhD | 2005 | Fitzgerald, William | The Biogeochemical Cycling of Methylmercury in Coastal Marine Sediments |
Haska, Christina | MS | 2008 | Lin, Senjie | Assessing the Role of Bait Worm Packaging as a Potential Vector of Invasive Species to Long Island Sound |
Hawkins, William | MS | 2023 | Visscher, Pieter | |
He,Yipeng | PhD | 2023 | Maon,Robert | Air-sea Exchange of Mercury and its Species in the Coastal and Open Ocean |
Haynes, Vena | PhD | 2020 | Ward, J. Evan | The Interactive Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles and Light on Coastal Planktonic Organisms |
Heckman, Robert | MS | 2005 | Bohlen, W. Frank | |
Hegaret, Helene | MS | 2007 | Shumway, Sandra | |
Hegaret, Helene | PhD | 2008 | Shumway, Sandra | Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms on Physiological and Cellular Processes of Bivalve Molluscs |
Heinonen, Kari Beth | MS | 2004 | Ward, J. Evan | Production of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) by Suspension-feeding Bivalves (Mollusca) and Tunicates (Chordata) |
Hoeft, Shelley | MS | 1999 | Visscher, Pieter | Methyl Bromide Metabolism in Marine Bacteria |
Holmes-Hackerd, Mathew | MS | 2022 | Dam, Hans | Naupliar Exposure to Acute Warming Shows no Carryover Ontogenetic Effects on Respiration Rates, Body Size, and Development Time of the Copepod Acartia tonsa |
Hollweg, Terill | MS | 2009 | Mason, Robert | |
Hollweg,Terill | PhD | 2010 | Mason, Robert | Mercury Cycling in Sediments of Chesapeake Bay and the Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope |
Holt, Martin | MS | 1994 | Whitlatch, Robert | |
Hou, Yubo | PhD | 2008 | Lin, Senjie | Isolation and Characterization of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen and the Small Subunit Ribosomal RNA Genes in Dinoflagellates: Insights into Dinoflagellate Genome Evolution |
Houk, Adam | MS | 2007 | O’Donnell, James | Observations of the Spatial Structure of Turbulent Mixing in a River Plume Front |
Ilia, Amin | PhD | 2021 | O’Donnell, James | Waves in Long Island Sound |
Janiak, Dean | MS | 2009 | Whitlatch,R obert | Ecological Impacts of the Non-Native Grateloupia turutura (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) in Long Island Sound |
Jia, Yan | PhD | 2019 | Whitney, Michael | A Study on Pathways of Major River Waters in Long Island Sound |
Jiorle, Ralph | MS | 2009 | Whitney, Michael | Tidal Currents and Friction over Large Marine Sand Waves in Eastern Long Island Sound |
Johnson, Ellen | MS | 2018 | Vlahos, Penny | |
Johnson, Jacqueline | MS | 1993 | Welsh, Barbara | The Recycling of Inorganic Nutrients in the Upper Water Column During Seasonal Stratification in Western Long Island Sound |
Jones, Lucas | MS | 2021 | Baumann, Hannes | Using Low-Coverage, Whole Genome Sequencing to Study Northern Sand Lance (Ammodytes dubius) Population Connectivity in the Northwest Atlantic |
Jordan, Shannon | MS | 2024 | Tobias, Craig | Potential for Improved Eelgrass Restoration Success Through Manipulation of the Sediment Iron Cycle |
Kach,Dustin | MS | 2009 | Ward,J. Evan | The Role of Marine Aggregates in the Ingestion of Picoplankton-Size Particles by Suspension-Feeding Molluscs |
Kading, Tristan | MS | 2017 | Lombardo, Kelly | |
Kim, Jonathan | PhD | 1987 | Fitzgerald, William | Volatilization and Efflux of Mercury from Biologically Productive Ocean Regions |
Kroeger, Kevin | MS | 1997 | Whitlatch, Robert | Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Concentration as Factors Influencing the Secondary Production Rate of Nucula annulata in Long Islang Sound, USA |
Kuo, Chiu-Yen | MS | 2008 | Auster, Peter | Variation in Planning Unit Size and Patterns of Fish Diversity: Implications for Design of Marine Protected Areas |
Kuo, Chiu-Yen | PhD | 2012 | Lin, Senjie | Growth, Lipid Synthesis, and Bacterial Association of Eutreptiella sp. from Long Island Sound Characterized Using Ecological and Molecular Techniques |
Lacerra, Matthew | MS | 2018 | Lund, David | Reduced Carbon Storage at Intermediate Depths in the Southwest Atlantic During HS1: Evidence for a Weaker Southern Ocean Biological Pump |
Lake, John | MS | 1997 | Lee, Douglas | Diet Selectivity of Scup, Stenotomus chrysops, in Long Island Sound |
Lamborg, Carl | PhD | 2003 | Fitzgerald, William | Mercury Speciation and Reactivity in the Coastal and Estuarine Waters of Long Island Sound |
Lancaster, Diana | MS | 2014 | Whitlatch, Robert | Recruitment Patterns of the Fouling Community on Eelgrass in Long Island Sound |
Leamon, John | MS | 1994 | Powell, Mark | Correlation Among Four Health Parameters in Natural Populations of the Estuarine Fish, Fundulus heteroclitus (L.) |
Leitão De Oliveira Júnior, Ewaldo | PhD | 2024 | Dam, Hans | The Role of Temperature and Thermal Adaptation on Plankton Ecology: Population Dynamics, Predator-prey and Antagonistic Interactions |
Li, Binglin | MS | 2006 | Ward, J. Evan | Effects of Organic Matter from Suspension Feeders on Particle Aggregation |
Li, Chunyan | PhD | 1996 | O’Donnell, James | Tidally Induced Residual Circulation in Estuaries with Cross Channel Bathymetry |
Ling, Wei Jun | MS | 1990 | Whitlatch, Robert | Cellular and Humoral Responses of Resistant and Susceptible Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, to the Infection of Haplosporidium nelsoni (Msx) |
Linhardt, Samantha | MS | 2022 | Matassa, Catherine | Local and Regional Variation in Recruitment Modifies Species Interactions and Community Dynamics on Gulf of Maine Rocky Shores |
Loglisci, Caroline | MS | 2007 | Dam, Hans | |
Lord, Joshua | PhD | 2014 | Whitlatch, Robert | Effect of Temperature Changes on Competitive and Predator-Prey Interactions in Coastal Epi-Benthic Communities |
Lu, Mingzhi | MS | 1990 | Monahan, Edward | Distribution and Evolution of Sea Salt Aerosol in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer |
Lyons, Mary-Marguerite Maille | PhD | 2008 | Ward, J. Evan | The Role of Marine Aggregates in the Ecological Epidemiology of Quahog Parasite X (QPX) Disease of Northern Quahogs (=Hard Clams) Mercenaria mercenaria |
Manalo, Cervinia | MS | 2007 | Vlahos, Penny | Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM), DOM C/N and Nutrient Distributions in Western Long Island Sound in Spring and Summer, 2005 |
Mason, Robert | PhD | 1991 | Fitzgerald, William | The Chemistry of Mercury in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean |
Mathuri, Michael | MS | 2023 | Granger, Julie | Physiological Mechanism of Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation During Ammonium Assimilation by Marine Phytoplankton |
Maung, Emily | MS | 2010 | Whitlatch, Robert | Hypoxia and Benthic Invertebrate Communities of Western Long Island Sound |
Mazrui, Nashaat | PhD (Chem) | 2016 | Mason, Robert | The Interaction of Mercury and Methylmercury with Reduced Sulfur: Implications for the Transformation of Mercury and Methylmercury in the Environment |
McCardell, Grant | MS | 2008 | O’Donnell, James | |
McCardell, Grant | PhD | 2012 | O’Donnell, James | Physical Supplies of Oxygen to the Bottom Waters of Western Long Island Sound |
McCart, Sarah | MS | 2020 | Lund, David | Assessing the Sea Level Hypothesis with Hydrothermal and Volcanic Ash Records from the East Pacific Rise and Pacific-Antarctic Ridge |
McDonald, Sydney | MS | 2024 | Granger, Julie | |
McGarry, Kelly | MS | 2022 | Siedlecki, Samantha | |
McGuinness, Mary | MS | 2022 | Vlahos, Penny | Examination of Controlling Parameters for Total Alkalinity in Long Island Sound Rivers |
McKee, Michael | MS | 2002 | Ward, J. Evan | Production of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (Tep) By Select Suspension Feeders |
McLeroy, Stacey | MS | 1997 | McManus, George | Effect of Copepod Feeding on Ingested Phytoplankton Pigments |
McLeroy, Stacey | PhD | 2002 | Roesler, Collin | Ecophysiology and optical detection of harmful algal blooms |
McNamee, Jason | MS | 2007 | Whitlatch, Robert | |
Menniti, Christina | MS | 2021 | Whitney, Michael | Assessing the Importance of Variability in Oxygen Concentrations and Horizontal Fluxes in Western Long Island Sound |
Mercer,Jeffrey | MS | 2007 | Whitlatch,Robert | |
Milke, Lisa | MS | 2001 | Ward, J. Evan | The Influence of Diet On Pre-Ingestive Particle Handling In Two Species Of Bivalved Molluscs: Mytilus edulis And Crassostrea virginica |
Miranda, Lilibeth | PhD | 2009 | Lin, Senjie | Gene Expression in the Toxic Dinoflagellate, Alexandrium fundyense: Emphasis on Cell Cycle and Growth-Regulatory Genes |
Mirhakak, Maryam | MS | 2021 | Dierssen, Heidi | |
Mladinich Poole, Kayla | PhD | 2023 | Ward, J. Evan | Selective Ingestion of Microplastics by Suspension- Feeding Invertebrates: Investigations into Sources, Fate, and Concentrations in Coastal Environments |
Modi, John | MS | 1994 | O’Donnell, James | |
Morata, Nathalie | PhD | 2008 | Renaud, Paul | Sedimentary Pigments as Biomarkers of Spatial and Seasonal Variations in Arctic Pelagic-Benthic Coupling |
Morton, Eric | MS | 1998 | Bohlen, W. Frank | Observations of The Turbidity Maximum In The Connecticut River |
Mosca, Kelli | MS | 2022 | Baumann, Hannes | Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) Growth and Habitat Use in the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound |
Mottram, Josie | MS | 2023 | Granger, Julie | |
Mudahy, Annalisa | MS | 2022 | Tobias, Craig | Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Water Column Respiration in an Urban Estuary Revealed Using Automated Respiration Chambers |
Munoz Barbosa, Albino | MS | 2008 | Visscher, Pieter | |
Murphy, Quinne | MS | 2021 | Visscher, Pieter | The Role of Cyanobacteria in Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Fayetteville Green Lake, New York |
Murray, Christopher | PhD | 2019 | Baumann, Hannes | An Experimental Evaluation of the Sensitivity of Coastal Marine Fishes to Acidification, Hypoxia, and Warming |
Myer, Patricia | PhD | 2023 | Mason, Robert |
A Critical Examination of the Factors Controlling Methylmercury Uptake into Marine Plankton |
Natale, John | MS | 2014 | Shumway, Sandra | |
Ndu, Udonna | MS | 2008 | Mason, Robert | |
Ndu, Udonna | PhD | 2011 | Mason, Robert | The Mechanisms and Pathways of the Uptake of Inorganic Mercury and Methylmercury Species in Escherichia coli: Possible Implications for Mercury Cycling in the Marine Environment |
Niesenbaum, Richard | MS | 1986 | Welsh,Barbara | The Ecological Significance of Reproductive Sporulation By The Macroalga Ulva lactuca |
Ortiz, Veronica | MS | 2013 | Mason, Robert | An Examination of Marine Snow as a Pathway for Mercury Uptake in the Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis |
Ortman, Brian | PhD | 2008 | Bucklin, Ann | DNA Barcoding the Medusozoa and Ctenophora |
Palm, Almariet | MS | 2018 | Visscher, Pieter | The Dissolution of Diatoms in Marine Microbial Mats |
Park, Gihong | PhD | 2018 | Dam, Hans | Costs and Benefits of Putatively Anti-Grazing Defenses in the Marine Dinoflagellate Alexandrium catanella |
Perry, Rachel | MS | 2015 | Vaudrey, Jamie | Nutrient Dynamics of Floating Seagrass Wracks in Greater Florida Bay |
Philips, Kimberly | MS | 1996 | Dam, Hans | Aspects of Feeding and Fecundity of Two Species of Calanoid Copepods, Temora |
Phillips, Ashley | MS | 2015 | Skoog, Annelie | A Derivatization Method for Tagging Low-Molecular Weight Organic Acids in Seawater with a Fluorescent Coumarin |
Phillips, Brennan | MS | 2007 | Kremer, Patricia | Defecation by Salpa thompsoni and its Contribution to Vertical Flux in the Southern Ocean |
Pierce, Melissa | MS | 2016 | Ward, J. Evan | |
Pierce, Melissa | PhD | 2016 | Ward, J. Evan | The Microbiome of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791): Temporal and Spatial Variation, Environmental Influences, and its Impact on Host Physiology |
Plummer, Patrick | MS | 2014 | Tobias, Craig | |
Porto, Felipe | MS | 2024 | Visscher, Pieter | |
Price, Victoria | MS | 2012 | Auster, Peter | An Approach For Use of Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) to Quantify Behavioral Aspects of Piscivory at Ecologically Relevant Time and Space Scales |
Pringle, Julie | MS | 2018 | Baumann, Hannes | Sex-Specific Hatch and Growth Patterns in Young-of-the-Year Atlantic Silversides (Menidia menidia, Atherinopsidae) From Mumford Cove, Connecticut |
Randolph, Kaylan | PhD | 2015 | Dierssen, Heidi | Optical Measurements of Whitecaps and Bubbles During Large Scale Wave Breaking in the Southern Ocean |
Raub, Kristin | MS | 2013 | Vlahos, Penny | Comparison of Marine Sampling Methods for Organic Contaminants: Passive Samplers, Water Extractions, and Live Oyster Deployments |
Raymond, Faith | MS | 2015 | Tobias, Craig | |
Rear, Laura | MS | 2002 | Codiga, Daniel | Observations of Tidal Current and Stratification Profiles on the Continental Shelf Outside Block Island Sound |
Reed, Rachel | MS | 2004 | Visscher, Pieter | Methane Dynamics Over a Salinity Cycle in a Solar Saltern of Combate, Puerto Rico |
Reinhardt, James | PhD | 2011 | Whitlatch,Robert | Dispersal, Recruitment and Habitat Invasibility in Shallow Epifaunal Communities of Southern New England |
Rivera Lemus,Erick | MS | 2008 | Bohlen,W. Frank | Wind waves in central Long Island Sound: A comparison of observations to an analytical expression |
Robertson, Robert | MS | 2000 | Cooper, Richard | The Abundance and Distribution of Bacterioplankton in the Bottom Waters of Hudson and Block Submarine Canyons |
Rogers, Daniel | MS | 2001 | Visscher, Pieter | A Mechanism for Biogenic Caco3 Precipitation In Modern Marine Stromatolites |
Rollison, Veronica | MS | 2020 | Granger, Julie | Sources and Fluxes of Reactive N in a Southern New England River |
Rosa, Maria | MS | 2011 | Ward, J. Evan | Effects of Particle Surface Properties on Feeding Selectivity in Suspension-Feeding Bivalve Molluscs |
Rosa, Maria | PHD | 2016 | Ward, J Evan | Mechanisms Of Particle Retention and Selection in Suspension-Feeding Bivalves |
Rosenberg, Aaron | MS | 2016 | Edson, James | Measuring and Modeling Oceanic Air-Sea Fluxes |
Rosetta, Carol | MS | 2002 | McManus, George | The Feeding by Ciliates on Two Harmful Algal Bloom Species-Prorocentrum minimum and Prymnesium parvum |
Ruffino, Peter | MS | 2022 | Tobias, Craig | Tracing the fate of phytoplankton-derived nitrogen: effects of oysters on recycling, denitrification, and burial |
Russ, Connie | MS | 1998 | Fitzgerald, William | Biogeochemical Cycling of Methylmercury in Two Connecticut Salt Marshes |
Russell, Brandon | PhD | 2016 | Dierssen, Heidi | Application of a Portable Hyperspectral Imaging System to Field Studies in Animal Camouflage and Coral Reef Symbiosis |
Ryan, Sean | PhD | 2023 | Matassa, Catherine | Causes and Consequences of Variation in Anti-Herbivore Traits of a Rocky Intertidal Seaweed |
Sasaki, Matthew | PhD | 2020 | Dam, Hans | Thermal Macrophysiology of the Estuarine Copepod Acartia tonsa: Adaptation Across Spatial and Temporal Temperature Gradients |
Schartup, Amina | PhD | 2012 | Mason, Robert | The Role of Natural Organic Matter and Sulfur on the Bioavailability of Inorgainc Mercury to Methylating Organisms and to the Fate and Transport of Methylmercury in Coastal Ecosystems |
Scheifele, Peter | MS | 1997 | Cooper, Richard | Impact of Low-Frequency Anthropogenic Noise on the Auditory System of the Beluga (Delphinapterus Leucas) in the Saint Lawrence River Estuary |
Schmidt, Steven | MS | 2015 | Whitney, Michael | |
Schoener, Donald | PhD | 2013 | McManus, George | Inorganic Carbon and Nitrogen Utilization in Mixotrophic Ciliates |
Sedgwick-Springer, Lynn | MS | 1992 | Whitlatch, Robert | The Effects of the Soli- Tary Ascidian, Styela Claua Herdman, on Larval Settlement and Recruitment, on a New England Epifaunal Community |
Seelen, Emily | PhD | 2018 | Mason, Robert | A Multi-Estuary Approach to Better Understand the Sources and Fate of Methylmercury within Estuarine Water Columns |
Seeley, Emily | MS | 2016 | Lund, David | Testing the Sea Level Hypothesis with New Records along the Southern East Pacific Rise and Pacific Antarctic Ridge |
Serdikoff, Cynthia | MS | 2000 | Cooper, Richard | Population Genetics of Argopecten irradians and Associations Between Allozyme Heterozygosity and Phenotypic Variation in Growth and Respiration Rate |
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Shub, Alec | MS | 2020 | Lund, David | Deep South Atlantic Watermass Variability During the Last Glacial Cycle: New Stable Isotope Records from the Brazil Margin |
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St. George, Tiffany | MS | 2014 | Vlahos, Penny | |
Staniec, Allison | PhD | 2020 | Vlahos, Penny | Examining Dissolved Gases in a Changing Climate |
Stefaniak, Lauren | PhD | 2012 | Whitlatch, Robert | Didemnum vexillum: Identity, Origin, and Life History of an Invasive Ascidian |
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Thompson, Laura | PhD | 2014 | Romano, Tracy | The Combined Influence of Diving Physiology and Stressors on Immune Cell Function in a Deep Diving Monodontid and Three Shallow Diving Phocid Species |
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