Kaylan Randolph

(Ph.D., Oceanography, University of Connecticut) Research Scientist of Marine Sciences

Kate Randolph is a Research Scientist and Lecturer in Oceanography. Her research is centered around describing particle populations and dynamics in freshwater, estuarine and open ocean systems and relating optical properties and acoustical measurements to biogeochemistry and upper ocean physics. She has been developing methods to measure whitecaps and bubble plumes using optical measurements from in and above water systems coupled with meteorological and wave field parameters to investigate the mechanisms underlying the distribution and evolution of naturally occurring, wind-wave induced bubbles populations. This work includes the developing and implementing approaches to link light scattering and ocean color from wave breaking to turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates.

She enjoys developing, coordinating, and conducting field campaigns using a wide range of in and above water oceanographic instrumentation from a variety of platforms—specifically those that are non-invasive and non-extractive in nature. She loves to bring people with different perspectives together to broaden understanding.

Kate leads the Imaging FlowCytobot time series in Eastern Point Sound, Long Island Sound and is also the research program manager for the Long Island Sound Seafloor Habitat Mapping Project: https://lismap.uconn.edu.

Kate Randolph
Contact Information
Office LocationMarine Sciences Building (LWB) Rm 381